Baby boy come on get in the car we got to leave.Baby boy guess what mommy we are going shoping.Yay so that mean you get to bye me toys yes i do.Yippy.Ok baby boy get in im am mommy.You reddy baby boy yes mommmmy.Ok baby boy.Baby wake up we shoping.Yay then i miss the stuff you buy no we got in hear ohh.Yep.So go fine the toys that you want.Yay.Ok mommy im am going to fine stuff cool ok but stay by me for i can see you ok mommmy i will ok in i will shop for stuff to.Like you baby boy ok mommy. Aww i like this baby boy im geting this for you ok mommyiwant this toy ok baby boy we can buy it.Now baby boy we got to buy this stuff.Ok mommy.Now im dont comeon baby boy we leaving.Ok mommy coming.