What film?

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"What film you wanna watch" Ian said after a minute or so of silence.

"Your turn to pick I picked last time"

Ian walked over to dvd cupboard, he quickly skim read over them; P.S. I love you "No!" Twilight "No" love actually "Hell no!" "I am legend" He said winking at Nina "No!" Nina half said, half shouted "Fine fine" Ian said picking up the film 'Ghost' and putting it on.

Nina got into bed whilst Ian changed into just his boxers, he also got in bed next to Nina "Breathe Nina! He's your co-worker, no!" She mentally said to herself. She reached over Ian and grabbed the bottle of wine, she felt a hard thing suddenly digging into her stomach. She sat back and opened the wine, trying notnto over think things. Ian glanced over at nina, her blank expression made it difficult for ian to know whether she felt it or not.

Just as he was about to say something the film started. Ninas face suddenly changed and looked at ian "what? You said it was my choice what film" ian said innocently "but ghosts, yunno I had scary films" nina said with a sad expression on her face "aw come on it will be fun!"

Nina sat up and looked at ian "GOD he's hot, with no shirt on especially.... nina was lost in thought "take a picture last longer" ian said smirking "shut up! Just open this will ya" she handed the bottle to ian who sat up and opened the bottle and give it back to nina. Nina took a large gulp and handed it to ian "haha its not the end of the world yunno, you can take sips".

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