[ Chapter 21 ]

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She should keep her window locked. You never know what kinda maniac might creep all up in here while she ain't here.

As I looked around her room, I couldn't help but notice all the music-related shit she had laying around on her floor. I always knew she was into all that, after all, she always had her Walkman in and when she wasn't, she was blasting music on her stereo. Or least that's what she had told me, before I accidentally fucked everything up.

I walked over to her dresser, grabbing a photo album she had apparently left up there.

I flopped onto her bed, laying back on her pillow as I started flipping through. Some of her as a baby, as a little kid, with her brother and sister. Speaking of which, her sister was cute as fuck, even if she was young. About 13? 14? Something like that.

Actually, I couldn't even remember how old Bianca herself was - I think she said 18. But even if she said 16 or 17, it's not like it matters. If she 16, I'm 16.

There were a few of her by herself, one of her in a bathing suit with an older woman next to her - I had to snatch that one out of there real quick - and then there were some polaroids. They looked like they'd been taken pretty recently. The first was of her at some 4th of July barbecue, surrounded by people I'd never seen before - that was, until my eyes landed on a dark-skinned figure in the corner.

"Aw, hell nah," I muttered to myself as I flipped to the next picture, and I kissed my teeth. It was her hugged up on that nigga Dalvin, and I had half the mind to rip it up, but I just flipped the page and continued looking at the photos. More of her and Dalvin. One of her and that ugly ass motherfucker K-Ci - and then there a few photos that looked as if they had been taken in this room. It was her and those two girls I had seen pick her up earlier. Individual pictures of each one dancing and smiling, and I hate to admit, Bianca had some fine ass friends. Maybe after I was done with her....

I snorted as I closed the book and tossed it on the floor, sitting up to looking around again. I smiled deviously as I got up and went back over to her dresser, pulling one of the drawers open.

Her bras and panties were all tucked inside, and I pulled a white bra out. She didn't have big titties, but I could work with that. Then I pulled out a pair of her panties and held it out in front of me, imagining what it might be like if she decided to model it for me.

It's safe to say that my dick twitched after that, which meant that was my cue to leave. If I got hard that meant I'd have to relieve myself, and since I wasn't about to bust one in her room, it was as time for me to bounce. I'm not no pervert.

I put her stuff back into her dresser and went back over to the open window, where I took one final look around the room before making my exit. I shut the window behind me and made my way down the fire escape.

I'd be back. But next time, it would be a just little different.


Honestly, neither of us meant to fall asleep but after last night, we didn't really care either.

I yawned as I raised up in the bed, naked as the day I was born. I blinked, looking around to see that I was alone and I looked at the alarm clock next to me and saw that it was 9:30.

Suddenly, the door opened and I pulled the cover back over myself quickly, clutching it to my chest before I sighed in relief.

"Oh, it's just you," I spoke as Dalvin closed the door behind him, dressed shirtless with a pair of shorts.

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