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you know the feeling of nausea where you're not sure if you're about to spill the contents of your stomach or scream until your lungs give out? well, that's what yoongi was feeling right about now, as he stood outside the gates of the park residence with his finger hovering over the doorbell.

his boss had given him clear instructions: dress smart, speak like you've been raised well, and praise the kid until your throat is dry (even if he's the worst student possible).

they all seemed like simple enough rules to follow, but yoongi was now beginning to forget something a little more important - how to breathe. it had been a fair amount of time since he had tutored anyone, and the fact his first student in so long is none other than the nations flower boy and son of business mogul, park seolmul, made him just that little bit more uneasy. he had tutored other students with a marginal notoriety before, but never someone of this status, and yoongi knew his career was on the line with it.

with laboured breaths and a weight on his shoulders that felt like he was holding the world up, he pressed his long finger forcefully - but rapidly - onto the doorbell, jumping back a little as the extended 'ding' sounded. this is it, i'm really doing this, the brunette thought as he watched shadows flitting back and forth behind the (minimum) 7ft glass doorway in front of him, the mumble of shushed voices growing increasingly louder as the shadows became larger.

the sound of a soft "excuse me" broke yoongi from his trance - which he wasn't aware he was in - as he was faced with a petite woman with flowing brown hair. her stature was short, but her body was well proportioned and he recognised her from almost every commercial on television as being kwon haemin, the female side of 'park enterprise'. yoongi expected her to be cold, unwelcoming, and a little too professional, but his preconceptions were quickly pushed aside when she pulled him in by the hand and placed a soft kiss to his right cheek.

"you must be mr. min - i've been anticipating your arrival," she spoke, her voice husky and unique just like yoongi remembered as she busied herself with arranging the snacks on the family-sized entry table. "help yourself to any food or drink, you're our guest after all!"

yoongi couldn't believe the luck he had got by scoring a student from a rich family, but in this moment, he wasn't about to jeopardise his career for a small moment of self-indulgence. don't get me wrong, if he hadn't have been on a job, the brunette would've picked up three plates filled with jam filled biscuits and belgian chocolate coated peanuts, but this was a job, so he decided to just take the polite amount as not to seem rude.

he had yet to speak a word and he was already sat down in the expanse of living room (which, for the record, had two floors -- two floors in one room) opposite a smiling haemin, her beautiful doe-eyes boring a hole in his forehead.

with a slight cough and a forced smile, yoongi introduced himself and explained a little about his history in teaching piano to children of various ages, not forgetting to name drop a few well-renowned clientele which earned a genuine look of joy from jimin's mother.

"well, i must say, mr.min--"

"ma'am, you can call me yoongi - i prefer if my students and their family are on a comfortable level with me."

"oh, how lovely! okay then, yoongi," she emphasised, winking to signify that she had taken note of the name change, "i think you sound like the perfect tutor for my son. he's a shy boy, but he has a lot of natural talent and i'm sure you will find him easy to work with."

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