Chapter 2

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Prince Rayan's POV:

I dreamed away as I felt something touch the tip of my tongue. I opened my eyes to see one of my braids in my mouth. I spat it out. I have to admit, I snored like crazy and annoyingly. I tried going back to sleep, but no less than a minute my step mother Angelique came in.

"Ray, time to get up!" she ordered yanking the covers off of me

I rubbed my eyes and threw my feet over the bed.

"How much times must I tell you to sleep with a shirt on?" she asked putting her hands on her waist

"Uh.. Five times." I shrugged

I ignored her as she rambled on about cutting my hair which she's not going to do and a bunch of other random things when something she said got my attention.

"I mean Princess Lastastia wouldn't want her husband's hair to be longer than hers"

"Princess Lastasia?" I repeated but in a much more agrivated tone

"Yes, that darling girl who you will be marrying shortly" she smiled which I wouldn't really call a smile.

Angelique was a really cold hearted women so I don't think she knew how to do that yet.

"I'm not marrying her" I defend

"Oh, yes you are. Your grandfather decread that you marry her on his death bed" she added

My grandfather. The amazing father figure in my life that passed too soon. We would always do the things that a father and his son should be doing when I was little. My actual father was alcoholic and just made laws for the kingdom in his chambers as he drunk his problems away. So he never had time for me. When my birth mom was alive it was never like that, but now he's with Angelique and getting old. So Angelique is trying to take charge.

"I know, but I don't love her. He also told me that I should love who I love" I corrected

"Rayan, you will do what I say. Do you understand that?" she stopped the bathroom door with her foot and gave me a death glare.

I nodded then she removed her foot. For years I've been putting up with Angelique taking over my life and deciding for me, but I can't do a thing about it because she makes my father happy. How? I don't really know. After I was done showering and dressing I made my way downstairs where the maids were cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Prince Rayan" Mary ~one of themaids~ greeted

"Morning, Mary" I greeted back

"Aww look how you've grown" Lyric another maid cooed

Thats another thing. The maids were the ones who braided my hair when I was little and got me dressed while Angelique and my father was doing whatever they did, but my favorite was Mary. She was working here very long and she and my grandfather had a secret relationship. He loved her so much. When he died she was crushed. Mary was also like a grandmother to me.

"What's for breakfast?"  I asked

"Your favorite since birth" she smiled handing me my plate of food. Blueberry pancakes, nicely cooked eggs and fresh squeezed orange juice.

"Thanks, Mary" I picked up my fork

"Sit up straight, Rayan!" Angelique yelled from upstairs. How did she do that?

I fixed my posture in the breakfast table chair.

"How's life?" I asked Mary who seemed to be day dreaming

"Oh, its-its-fine" she said nervously

"No its not, whats wrong?" I knew Mary too well to know when she wasn't okay

"Your mother is planning to bulldose a part of the village and the part she is planning to destroy is where my family lives" she whispered

"Funny, I've never seen where your family lived before" I  rest my fork down

"I've been trying to save up some money to send them to move to a better place, but its not working. I just don't have all the right funds." she sighed

"I could--" she stoppped me

"No, you cannot. Your mother won't allow it"

"I've never seen the village before. How does it look?" I asked

Angelique never lets me leave the Castle Grounds.

"Its really poor, you should be happy you live here. Some would kill to be in your shoes. Oh, well. I must get back to work. Enjoy your day, Prince Rayan"  she nodded politly then went to clean a flower vase in the hallway.

I kept thinking about the village. I'd pay it a visit. After breakfast I put on some ragged clothes I tore up together and made myself adjustable to the village crowd. I locked my room door then hoped out of the window.

I cleverly escaped the guard's sight and made my way down to the village front. After some minutes of walking and hoping no one spotted me I was in the village courtyard. Poorly dressed children ran around playing tag, salesmen served their customers and people normally walked around. As I walked I saw an old man lying in a corner with a cardboard in front of him. In black bold letters it said 'IN NEED TO EAT'. I doug in my pocket for something and took out 10 gold coins. It was alot of money so I slipped it in and didn't make it too obvious. I wondered  around some more. This place sure was something. Mary was right. I am lucky.

Zonnique's POV:

I slipped out the backdoor and started making my way to the Village Front. I'm going to find a job! Now I can help the family and prove to my father that just because I'm a girl dosen't mean I can't be a help. As I walked a little girl bumped into me. She was playing tag with her friends.

"Can you play with us?" she asked

"I don't know. I'm really busy.Maybe next time" I rubbed her head

"Please...." she begged

"Okay, but after I win I really have to go" I smiled

"Who said you were gonna win?" and with that she and her friend ran.

I raced after them of course avoiding bumping into anyone. It was really crowded. I jumped over barrels and wagons. The brunette's hair was in sight when I tripped on a box. I was about to fall when someone caught me. I looked up to see a guy.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Yes, thankyou" I nodded.

"You can't catch us!" the two girls shouted in unison next to a tentmaker's shop

"Aren't you a little too old to be playing tag?"he joked

I scratched the back of my head from embarrasement.

"I guess you could say that" I gave a weak smile. "I'm Zonnique. I don't think I've seen you around here before" 

"I'm Prince--- Prince" he said nervously

"Uh...Nice to meet you Prince Prince" I laughed

"Uh.. Just call me Prince" he scratched his neck

"Okay, well it was nice meeting you Prince. I hope we meet again soon" I smiled before going off.

Prince Rayan's POV:

I can't believe I acted like a total fool in front of the most beautiful girl ever. I watched as her blue hair faded away through the crowd as she went off.

I think I'm in love.


Thanks 4 reading!! I hope you can comment and vote!! I would love to know how I'm doing!! I will update shortly, until then!!! Toodles!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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