The first day, pt.2

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AN - This chapter being made into a few parts since i only traveled two hours forward in time during the last chapter. The usual warning applies, written at 1:02 AM without internet, feel very free to correct me on spelling and while we're here I have no idea what LA looks like so I'm completely making this location out of convenience. I've also still not gotten used to the keyboard... yeah, enjoy X

While Tyler went to go get everyone up I thought about my youtube account, I'd just do a makeup tutorial so that I had something to upload. I might bring up my surroundings in next weeks video depending on comments. I decided to take out my phone and earphones to give myself something to do while everyone else was still upstairs. I decided to put my music on shuffle before putting my phone in my pocket and wandering through the house. It was nice, better than the place my parents owned. While I was wandering through the house somebody jumped onto my back. "I don't see where you get the energy from to do these things." I said to, who I'd now guessed was, Ethan. He jumped off my back and I turned to face him. "It's the hair, it gives me power." Ethan replied with a grin. I shook my head and smiled "Weirdo." Ethan punched me gently on the shoulder before dragging me into the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast?" Ethan asked as we entered the room. "I've already eaten." I replied and sat in one of the unoccupied seats, with Amy, Kathryn and Tyler while Mark and Ethan made themselves breakfast. Amy and Kathryn had already made themselves cereal or toast and sat down before the boys had started. Tyler was sitting with only a glass of juice and his phone in front of him, I decided to do the same. I went and made myself a glass of diluting juice while Mark and Ethan sat down. Everybody fell into easy conversation, most sentences spoken rather quietly considering most of us were still tired from being awoken within the last five minutes. "So we're all filming a video with Wade and Bob at 10 at the park, (Y/n), we'll introduce you as the newest member of teamplier at the beginning of the video just after I do the intro then we'll split into teams." I didn't realise I was even leaving the house today "What is it we're doing at the park?" I asked. "We'll be filming a video with the fans, we're going to be playing a half finding, half riddle solving sorta game... Basically we are finding an item of our possession that's been hidden somewhere in the public area but will be guarded by Amy, Kathryn or one of my other friends, so it doesn't get stolen, this item will be brought to the park with us, then we will get sorted into groups of two stars and 10 fans, once the groups are decided Amy and Kathryn will hide one of our items. So say you and Ethan teamed up, Amy and Kathryn would choose to hide either Ethan or your possession, we'll be put into groups first just to avoid searching for two items per group." Mark explained. I processed it for a second before fully understanding it. "So what's the riddle part of it?" I asked noticing he hadn't explained that part. "Well Amy and Kathryn have already decided where the items will be and will be leaving clues and riddles in certain locations, all within walking distance of the park, while we are explaining this to the public, then they will text us a clue to lead us to our first location, while they are guarding our possessions, then at the first location there will be a clue to the second location and so on and so on, and for the three sepparate groups we'll have sepperate locations and clues." Right... "So it's like that episode of big bang theory where Raj hides the coins?" Mark nodded "Exactly! Except the possessions will be in actual places instead of in our pockets." (If you don't understand this refference don't worry, it's just to try and help you guys understand bc this is surprisingly difficult to explain and I have no idea if you guys actually know what I mean.) I was looking forward to the idea of solving riddles but as i didn't know the area very well I wasn't quite sure if i'd be of much help. "Oh one person from each group will be wearing a head camera thing to make a video out of." Mark added at the end of it. "Okay." I nodded, relatively reasured.

As it neared 10 o'clock we all got into the car to drive to the park, we all sat in two's so no one would be sitting alone. I sat in the very back row with Ethan wondering who I would end up paired up with, we all decided to let Amy and Kathryn choses the teams from a hat for an even mix. We got to the park at 10 exactly, where there were already a few fans waiting at one of the trees where Mark tweeted for them to meet us. As we neared the tree a girl with green hair noticed us and alerted the rest of the group, they all stood up just as we arrived at the tree. "Hi!" Mark said to the group of fans. They all replied with a chorus of hi's, hello's and hey's. Ethan noticed Wade and Bob walking towards us from one of the park enterances and waved them over. Amy and Kathryn were putting sticky notes into a beanie getting the teams made up while we chatted. The two girls cleared their throats to get our attention. "We're choosing teams now guys." Amy said. We all turned to face them. Amy chose the first two names "Wade and Ethan, you guys are team one." She put her hand back into the hat to produce another two sticky notes. "Mark and Bob you guys are team two." She put her hand back into the hat to produce the last two sticky notes "Tyler and (Y/n), you guys are team three." I looked over at Tyler "You ready for this, big boy?" Tyler looked at me "Really? That's the nickname you choose?" I shrugged "You ready or not?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm ready, the question is are you?" He asked me.

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