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Sungjae gently puts the bouquet of flowers down to the grave as he prayed there.

People said that negativity is not a good thing to have.

But Sungjae was almost beaming with all of it and unlike any others think that it was a necessity in life.

In light of darkness, there's the sun. If he cannot be the sun, he will be the dark tunnel that people go through.

That day, was a day that served as his wake-up call that looms all his positivity with negativity.

It was a day where he was carried away on the stretcher as the sole survivor among his family members. On which he woke up with wires and machines surrounding him, gloomy looks and pitiful eyes looking at him.

That was one year ago. He was no longer a bundle of sunshine with beaming and charming looking smile. He was always spacing out whenever his friend was talking to him. He was so distant with them even when his body was close to them. He emits impenetrable coldness, unwilling to speak even when his friend tried so hard to understand him.

They empathised him, but similar to other people... they just do not experience the same pain.

For them...

'Life goes on'

But for him, the clock stops when he lost his whole family.

And that the world is not a beautiful place.

He lifelessly stared at the gravestone before turning away. He walked away and bumped into a girl. Seemingly his age based on her appearance. She went to the grave right next to his dad.

Apparently, it was someone else death anniversary too.

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