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some swearing ahead

after the kiss rosé hugs myung again,
a sinister smile across her face

"aren't you glad to see me?"

"i am rosé but, why now? why after
almost one year of no contact you suddenly show up?"

"i wanted to surprise you"

"well you fucking did"

"don't talk to me like that, you don't know hard hard it was for me to not call you and tell you it was all a game"

"..a game?"

suddenly rosé pushes myung, her hands shaking violently

she then grabs the girl and drags her to the roof's edge

myung's heart was now beating out of her chest

"what the fuck is wrong with you? rosé let me g-"


myung's eyes widen, struggling to get out of rose's grip

"are you out of your mind? what is happenin-"

"i said jump"

her once silky smooth voice, now engulfed in anger

"stop this rosé. let's talk it out-"

"do you love me myung?"

"of course i love you rosé"

"then fucking jump, if you won't i'll push you off"

myung was utterly confused, her eyes almost tearing up

why was this happening to her? what did she do to deserve all of this?

"if you love me, jump"

"rosé, you were beautiful.
what happened?"

and she jumped

police reports say that a young girl commited suicide just about one hour ago. the victim now discovered to be lee myung jumped off of the roof of the apartment she was living in.
we hope she is in a better place now and all of our condolences go to the affected family and friends,
thank you fot watching chanel 1 news good night❞

YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL | rosé Where stories live. Discover now