Yoosung - Was It All Just In My Head?

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A/n: HEY! Lately this book has been getting a lot of votes and has increased dramatically on reads just by the passing day. CRAZY RIGHT?!?!?! Well THANK YOU GUYS! But im back and here is a Yoosung oneshot for ya, inspired by a song i listened too.

Y/n entered the game shop in the court of the mall and made her way to the isles. She was looking for something that probably is sold out already. It was an expansion pack for her favorite game ever LOLOL. Rushing to the isle that she noticed had a huge poster of the game, only to see a very familiar blonde pick up the last one.

"Yoosung?" She breathed out.

Turning they're head, the blonde smiled.

"Hey Y/n!" It was indeed, Yoosung, also known as Y/n's biggest crush ever that never even took notice to her during classes or at lunch even on break, the most interaction being an 'excuse me'. when crossing paths.

"Its actually funny that you're here Y/n-chan! I came here to get you this." He said to the h/c girl with a closed eyed smile.

"B-but h-how- we never even talked before how'd you know I-"

"Are you kidding Y/n-chan I know everything there is too know about you!" The gamer blushed. "Lets go check this out, and then maybe go to my dorm to hang out, ya?" He suggested tugging on her soft s/c skin.


'Is this really happening, I-is he really?'

"Y/n.. Earth to Y/n? Are you awake in there?"


Y/n blinked the scenery changed and everything seemed less hazy, but the most surprising part was a certain purple eyes staring into hers.

"Huh..Where am I?" She said taking in her surroundings and the strong scent of coffee hitting her nose.

"We were having coffee, silly! Here i got yours, (random coffee flavor, if you dont drink coffee then decaf or hot choclate) right?"

Y/n just nodded and smiled.

"U-uh huh yea.... so what is it we were talking about again."

"Jeez you have a bad memory dont you!" He chuckled flashing a smile with his perfect white teeth. Causing a blush to explode all over Y/ns face and neck.

"Well I never really talk to you and you kind of ran into me when I was getting you something." He explained digging in his pockets for something.

"I-I really hope you like it-" He stuttered, the tips of hiss ears turning pink.

Slowly Y/n reached for it and noticed what it was.

"An LOLOL expansion pack b-bu" 'Was that real or-

Was it just all in my head?'


CONFUSING RIGHT? Well Its supposed to be, I wanted to leave you wondering HHEHHEHEHEHEHEH >:D Well I hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again for the votes and reads, ill try to update more! I love you all!

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