Chapter 17

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Milo could tell that Katarina had decided to trust him because she didn't bring up her leaving the pack again. Their dinner went by happily with random chat about school, the pack, her family. They got to know each other better as they had dinner together.

Katarina called her father to let him know she would be home by eight, but that they were going back to Milo's house for a while. She didn't want him worrying all night, not knowing what was going on. And he hoped that her happy voice and attitude let Grene know that they were getting on well together.

They walked back to his house, holding hands and talking away. He had agreed to finished his maths homework before they settled down to watch a film. They could always stop the film early if they ran out of time, but his homework was apparently very important.

Milo wasn't sure he agreed, but he gave in any way.

"Do you think Leo's going to be really mad?" Katarina asked as they stepped into the upstairs living room of his house, without having met his Beta along the way.

The guards hadn't even blinked twice on seeing him with Katarina so he knew Leo hadn't said anything to them about his solo return so early on in the night.

"I don't care. He was acting like a real jerk." Milo complained as Katarina removed her jacket and placed her school bag down at the door.

She was back in her school uniform, of a white shirt and a mini skirt, so he couldn't say he disapproved.

They had already agreed on the film they were going to watch, one of the few werewolf movies that they both approved of. He got it ready and organized some drinks while Katarina got comfortable in front of the TV. She had his school bag at her feet and started reading through his maths homework while he was busy.

She was feeling better than she had at lunch time. Her two extra shakes during training after school and dinner had given her enough energy to get through the night and her colour had improved.

Milo was glad for that, he had been more than just a little worried. He realised that when she was slower than the others in the pack on a run, it was because she'd suffered an episode and she just hadn't had time to recover yet. He looked forward to going for a run with her, wolf style, when she was feeling better.

"Comfortable?" He asked, flopping down onto the sofa beside her and making himself comfortable.

"Hmm." The moment he was sitting beside her, Katarina shuffled closer and snuggled in.

Milo smiled and lifted his arm to let her in a little closer.

"And your homework is just fine." She promised, surprising him.

He had finished off a few questions during his study period near the end of the day and changed a few things she had looked at during maths class. He was quite happy to hear that she approved of the changes.

He kissed her briefly and used the controls to get the DVD to the start.

He sat back to enjoy the rest of the night: they had two hours left to spend time together and he was going to make the most of them.

"Milo," Katarina caught his attention and he looked down at her as the credits rolled. "Thank you for today." She smiled so innocently that he didn't expect the lingering kiss she left on his lips.

"You'll get my thank you tomorrow." He decided cheekily.

She lay her head back down on his chest and watched the TV as the movie started.

Milo barely saw it. He was too busy thinking about how he was going to thank her and when would be the best time to do it. He already knew he had a pack meeting in the evening, to discuss some personal grudges that needed his attention. But other than that, things were pretty quiet with the pack so he was hoping to dedicate most of the week to his little wolf.

The Alpha and the Oracle (The Belesone Pack #1)Where stories live. Discover now