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Fun Girl!
FG: What?
I'm making you do my tag!
FG: why?!
Because reasons!
FG: Ok... But these are your facts I'm telling.
Fine with me, bye! *Walks out*
FG: The rules are:
You have to do this. No backing out unless you're already done it.
Answer the question honestly
It has to be in a book
Tag 20 people

FG: The tag is:
1: What are your most used emoji
2: What country do you live in (optional)
3: what's my favorite season
4: Do you like HP or PJO
5: Dogs or Cats
6: Biggest fear
7: Middle name
8: Gender (optional)
9: Favorite Dessert
10: Random Fact
FG: she was tagged by Thepikachunamedlori

FG: her most used emoji: 🤣
FG: not telling
FG: her favorite season is Fall
FG: she likes cats better, she's less allergic to cats
FG: Her biggest fear is Spiders
FG: you already know her middle name
FG: she is a girl
FG: Muffins
FG: she only listens to regular songs if they are Nightcore.
FG: There, and I'm not tagging 20 people, you are out of your mind if you think I'll tag 20, I'll tag 3

FG: I tag:

FG: boi! I'm gonna find Yandere-kun and Kate. *Eats an apple* Plus, I have a book to write!!!!

*Your Best Nightmare Intensifies* A.K.A My Tagged BookWhere stories live. Discover now