The K.a.r.e.giver

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Babysitting bulletin: In search of care givers who are patient with children and young teens. Pays well per hour! If you're looking for a job and need any further information, please call me by this number, 555-0011. Thank you!

That's what mom put out on this weird website in search of babysitters, while she and dad go party on this fancy cruise in France for two weeks. I asked if I could come. I just turned 14. Practically an adult. But what does she say when I tell her this? Absolutely nothing. That's always what she says, or doesn't say in this case, when it's a no. Or in mom language, "does this face look like an idiot to you?" And an occasional "yes" from me gives me tickets to a slap in the face cruise, enjoy!, and that's all I get.

So nope, no fancy French cuisine or actual French croissants for me. I get to sit at home with my annoying brothers and a baby sitter. Emphasis on "baby", which I'm not. My actual brother, named Isaiah who's 13, has light brown eyes, reddish hair, and brown skin because my mom is African American while my dad is an Irish native. My other brother who's 9 was adopted from Malaysia, named Kali by his original parents, but he says he wants something more simple and "American" so he's now Sam, looks nothing like us. He has an orange-tan tinted skin with slanted eyes and light brown hair. But they might as well be blood brothers because they both like the same things and are both equally and naturally annoying.

As for me, my name is Atria. Atria Sahil. My dads name is Kendrick but my mom, who's name is Irene, calls him her "little ken doll." Gross. I'm a tan olive shade. My hair is dark though from my moms side and I have green hazel eyes from my dads.

"Kids! Get in here! I think we've found the perfect babysitter!" My little bros and I run inside my parent's room to see who's going to be taking care of us for the next two weeks. "Her name is Camarise Boudreaux," says dad. "But her profile says all the "littles" call her Auntie Cami." If they seriously think I would ever, in my right mind, call this stranger auntie, they've got it twisted. "So," says mom, "you guys ready to meet your new aunt for the next to weeks?!" "Yeah!" says Mr. goody two-shoes Sam. "Eh, whatever. As long as she keeps me away from Atria, then Auntie she is, and Auntie she will forever be!", says good ol' Isaiah and his too truthful, sarcastic self. "Sure, but don't even think I'm calling this lady Auntie even though I shouldn't be meeting her at all. I should be living it up on a cruise, but nooo," I say.

"You know this cruise is 18 and older, why are you still trying to go?", says mom. "Because," I say, "I look the part, I act the part. I can just as easily be you and dads' friends for the whole trip without security even batting an eye...and I don't wanna stay with these idiots." "They are your brothers! Don't speak about them like that!" "Even though they say the same thing about me?! of them isn't even my real brother..," I say underneath my breath." "What did you say?!," said mom. "umm, I said they say the same things about me but whatever. I'll deal with the stupid babysitter." "That's what I thought."

Cami, judging from her profile picture, has brown wavy hair with a reddish tint to it with piercing blue eyes that looked straight into your soul. Almost hypnotizing. Her skin tone was tanned, possibly Mexican or Hispanic heritage, but she looked kind of blotchy like she has a rash or sun burn. She looked generally cheerful with this minimum wage job of hers but you never trust babysitters. Ever. At least I don't and never will anytime soon. In the picture, it looked as if she were cutting vegetables with a butter knife. How stupid can she be? So for the next two weeks, we're going to have a overly happy babysitter with evil eyes who's an idiot. Thank you mom.

The doorbell rings and someone knocks, but it's in a rhythm as if they've hesitated. I answer the door and now regret it because there she is. Cami. In the flesh. I see it in her eyes. She can't wait to ruin my least two weeks of it. Two excruciating weeks that could've been a blast. "Hi there! I'm Camarise, but you already knew that, haha!" She shakes all of our hands very stern and firmly. Ew. "But the littles call me Auntie Cami but you already knew that too! Hahaha!!" Alright. It's official. She's a psycho. "where are you going, Atria?", says dad. "You know, to wash my hands. The air is full of germs." "Oh teenage girls and there constant need to be clean and pretty. She must be a handful but I'll take great care of her. We can do makeovers! We'll have plenty of fun!" Ugh, she's so peppy. I don't think I'll make it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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