Part 26

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Diego/ Double

I woke up and went to get in the shower. There was this all white party that I wanted to go with the crew. I went to the bathroom and started my water, I walked out and went into the closet . When I walked out Nyla was just getting up. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss. She asked if I was getting in and I said yea, she said she wanted to get in with me. She started taking off her clothes while walking to the bathroom. I smiled while taking my shit off too. I walked in the bathroom and closed the door, Bye.


 I woke up and smelt breakfast, I didn't know anyone was here. I walked down the stairs and saw Drew in the kitchen cooking. I didn't know this nigga could cook, I sat on the counter and watched him finished. He turned around and looked at me suprised. "Damn baby , I didn't know u could cook" I said looking over at him. "U ain't supposed to be up yet" he said laughing. I let him finish while I went to shower. I went upstairs and cut the water on. When I got out I went to the closet and pulled out a pinkish colored jeans overall with a blue shirt and some fluffy socks. I put my hair up and walked down the stairs. My baby was in the living room with our plates . I sat down and pecked his lips . As I grabbed my plate I saw these bags on the other couch. "What's those babe" I said pointing to the bags. "Our outfits for the party" he said stuffing his face. " What type of party" I said cutting on the TV . " Its a all white party'', he said getting up. I got up and put my plate in the fridge. I have never been to a all white party , but I'm starting to get really excited. I grabbed my phone and called Nyla. When she answered I could hear it in her voice that she just got some.


Me; Hello

Nyla; Heyyyy

Me; U just got dick didn't you

Nyla; Noise ass

Me; bitch u nasty bitch, but did you know about the party tonight

Nyla; No I didn't what  type of party

Me; I'll tell you when I come over , bye bitch

Nyla; Bye hoe

Convo ends

After getting off the phone I went to grab my shoes and keys . I saw Drew starting to dressed. ''Where you going babe'' I said getting my jacket. '' I have to handle some stuff with Jay. I just left it alone and walked out to my car. As I put the keys in ignition , I looked in the mirror and saw a cardboard box in the back seat. Just as I was about to reach for it Drew came pulling me out of the car. My foot was only halfway out of the car before it blew up. My vision got extra blurry and then was just gone.


When Liza walked out I knew she was mad. As I herd the door close I got a call from a unknown number telling me that the car is gonna blow. I thought about it for a minute and thought about Liza. I ran downstairs and out the door. I could see her reaching for a box. Rushing to get her out the bomb blew and we were on the other side of the yard. I looked down and my shoulder was bleeding and my back was burning. My vision then started to get a blur as I herd sirens and the last thing I saw was the fire from the car.

Hours later


I was at the hospital with literally everyone . The doctor just came out . Family of Drew and Liza. We stood up and he looked like'' Well Damn''. So the impact of the fire was big but they will be ok. The babies are more than ok , Drew has minor scratches and cuts but he'll be just fine . Liza is in room 503 , while Drew rest in 536. He walked away and we all decided to split up. The boys went to see Drew ass while the girls went to see Liza. When we reached the room this nigga was knocked the fuck out. '' Aye nigga wake up'' I said shaking him. He woke up and I could tell he was high ASF. He was talking extra loopy and shit . I couldn't help but laugh, I took out my phone and recorded this nigga. We asked what happened and he said all he remember is getting a call saying it was a bomb and him snatching Liza out the car. He then started asking questions about her. I told him what he wanted to hear . He was bout to break down. I told him to get some rest and I'll be back . I dabbed him up and told him that shit gone be fine. As I walked out I saw the rest of the girls coming out of the elevator. I was ready to go so I just grabbed Nyla arm and walked out the door.  She was confused at first but I was just ready to go home. We got to the car and I hurried up and pulled out. When we got to the light I saw that Nyla was just staring at me. " Babe can I have my face back" I asked. She just looked at me some more. I just let it go and continued to drive to the house.

When we finally arrived I took the key out and started staring a her. She got out the car and walked over to the house. I waited till she opened the door before I got out of the car. She walked over to the kitchen and poured a cup of water. I went up the stairs and started to take my shit off. I don't know why there was so much tension between up right now. I grabbed my phone and saw that one of my ex's was blowin my phone up. I scrolled threw the messages and read some of the shit she was saying. I herd Nyla coming up the stairs so I closed out the messages. She came and sat on the bed, I asked what was wrong with her and she said that she was just feeling extra moody. She don't want to admit that she on her period. I told her to take a shower and come to bed with me. Everyday I think about how I loved being in the streets. I really wish I was on my grind but I can't lose Nyla again. I went to cut the TV on and changed my clothes. When she came out she was in one of my shirts with her hair to the side. I cut the lights off and we went to get in the bed. Hours went by and we had both fell asleep.

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