Chapter 2

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I woke up at 9 and i felt all weird because of the suger rush i had yesturday. It's kind of like getting drunk but minus the headache. I went down stairs and put myself lucky charms (my ultimate favorite cereal). I realised the house was quite today so after i finished my cereal i went to check on el. She wasn't there so i texted her.

Hey el were are you? xx -shannon

I went back downstairs and turned the TV on to channel 122, fox news. They were still showing the one direction kidnapping case. What i really dont get is how the cops didnt find them. Its been 4 days now, wich actually got me really curious. Maybe their dead? Maybe aliens took them? Maybe their- 

My phone buzzed and el texted me. 

Hey shannon sorry im out. i'll be back before you come from dance. really busy. love you! <3 xx - El 

Where could she even be this early? i looked at the clock and it was 9:30. I threw my finished cereal bowl on the couch and raced upstairs to get dressed for dance class. my dance class starts at 10 and ends at 12:30. Dancing is my life and i dont know what i'd be doing right now if i wasnt dancing. I put on some sweats and a tank top. got my phone and dance bag and headed out the door.

I finally got do my dance studio witch took 20 minutes. Hopefully coach jay wasnt going to flip. 

~~~~~~~2 hours and 30 minutes later ~~~~~~~

I was sweating and i thanked jesus that they had a shower here. After taking a shower i got my dance back and changed to my normal close ( skinny jeans and a beatles shirt that was a little see through). I didnt want to walk home because i knew it was going to take another 20 munutes and my legs were killing me but i didnt want to bother el. Whilst walking i came across this weird looking house. I always walked this was from dance and back and i never really noticed this house until today. My thoughts were rudely interupted by some really scary looking guy. he had a hunched back and glasses. he look like he was in his mid 40's.

"GET OFF MY LAWN OR I'LL CALL THE COPS"  40-year old creeper glasses guy screamed. 

I was so confused until i looked down and realised were i was standing. I actually was on his lawn. 

"Sorry i didnt know anyone lived here" I was about to turn around when i saw a curly haired boy at the window. It looked like his mouth was ducked taped. Wait what am i saying? Did i even see a curlu haired boy? I looked again at the window and saw nothing. I think i've gone crazy. I headed home and my mind was running crazy with thoughts. Did i really see a curly haired boy? Maybe thats one direciton? ha ha im so stupid that cant be them. If someone was to kidnap someone else dont you think they would have a much better hiding place? 

I finally got home and it was 1 o'clock. well lets just say i was confused the hole day and didnt do much when i came home. After el came home, witch let me tell you was like 9 o'clock we both went to sleep. I was planning to talk to el about everything that happened yesturday and why she came late but right now im exhuasted. 

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