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At Chicagos juvenile detention center,

Millie sat alone in her cell as a guard slid a meal tray through her door, taking the other untouched meal away. Sure, Millie ate, but only when she absolutely had to, and then she'd usually throw it up after the fact. When she first got to the facility she was still in hysterics, but she was placed in a cell with a fellow inmate, Chloe Lukasiak. If Millie hadn't slapped her clean across the face when she tried to come up to her to talk, she would've found out that she used to be friends with Maddie.

Remember Maddie? The schools queen bee?

Little did any of the party goers know about the fact that the chief of police and about 5 of his friends were on their way. And because somebody who just loves the sweet taste of revenge, Maddie Ziegler is riding shotgun with her precious father.

Now, most people will run and get away at the sight of the cops and others will be too wasted to run and get caught. Therefore going back to the station to get a fine and be picked by their parents. But this wasn't what Maddie wanted and was looking forward too.

You see, Maddie had been keeping track of Millie's criminal record because when you're a certain age you can only do so much before being thrown in Juve. And this was about to be Millie's last straw.

Maddie was kept up-to-date with all of Millie's actions, as per requested by her father. She even heard about when she escaped, with a boy that she had never heard of. But they were all over the news, and she thought that his headshots looked pretty nice.

Now of course Chloe could've helped Millie get back at Maddie once they got out, but after that slap Millie was moved to a one person cell.

It's been a whole year now that Millie hasn't spoken to anyone, kissed anyone or even looked at anyone, and a whole year since she's seen Finn. It killed her even more that they weren't allowed to have any communication whatsoever, and even if they could, it'd be impossible because she doesn't even know what facility he was sent to.

Rumors spread that she was psycho, or at least turning into one. After her first day when she already had to move cells for slapping Chole, no girl dared to come up to her after that, and that was if they even saw her outside of her cell. One day she had to attend a meeting for the entire facility, after the fact a guy tried to hit on her, needless to say he can't have children anymore.

She was treated differently than everyone else, because she acted different, she was different.

And not a day, no, not even a second went by where she didn't think about Finn. Thinking about how the second she got out she'd find him, even if it meant searching the whole country.

At New York's juvenile detention center,

Finn left the lunchroom quickly and quietly as usual, beating his cell mate back to their cell. His drive was a hell of a lot longer than Millie's giving him more time to do his best to calm down before he got there. He was put in a cell with Levi Miller, who Finn would find out was the centers most notorious fuck boy.

Finn was a little more communicative than Millie but he still didn't speak, he would just politely responded by a nod of the head, some thought that he was deaf.

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