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Floor's phone rung.
"H-H-Hell-o?" Floor asked with shaking voice.
"Floor? It's Tarja. Is everything alright?" She asked worried and Floor sobbed.
"No! T-T-Tarja ev-everything is is t-terrible!" Floor yelled. "I-I-I can't b-br-breath!" She breathed.
"Floor, I am coming. I'll be there in ten minuites, try to calm down!" Tarja said worried and hang out.
Floor took some deep breaths.

'Everything will be alright. You will wake up from this nightmare, find Hannes and Freja near you and be happy forever!'            She thought.

She repeated it many times but she knew it was real and not just a dream.
"FUCK MY LIFE!" She yelled and took a big vase made of glass and threw it to the wall making it break into pieces. Floor yelled.
She caught her hair and started crying... trying to breath... Freja started crying!
The door bell rung.
She opened and found Tuomas and Tarja outside.
"FLOOR!!!" Tarja yelled scared and hugged Floor.
"What happend here?" Tuomas asked shocked.
Floor tried to speak.
"Shh... Calm down first!" Tarja said and hugged her. "Tuomas take care of Floor I am going to Freja!" Tarja said and ran to the baby girl. She knew about babies so she grabbed it and in some seconds Freja had fallen asleep again.
Tuomas made Floor sit on the couch and hugged her. She hugged Tuomas tightly but continued crying.
'Oh Hannes...'
"Why are you crying Floorie?" Tarja asked and sat near her.
"Hannes' parents died, his sister is in a bad condition, he was almost depressed, drinking, not having time with Freja or me at all, he realised that I was sad...." Floor paused to take a breath and hold her tears back "He left me and Freja... I begged him to stay... to think Freja... I told him that Freja loves him and he told me to tell her that he loves her too! He left before almost an hour..." Floor said and hot tears started running again down her cheeks, burning her eyes and every area of her face they touched.
"Oh my God! I am ... I am ... speechless?" Tarja said even more shocked.
"Floor... I just ... want to tell you that... we will always be there for you." Tuomas said and the three of them hugged each other.

Days, monts and a year passed.

Hannes never showed up...

Floor had sent him a video of Freja saying her first word... : Daddy!

Daddy, her first word.
Daddy, her first love.
Daddy, is now forever gone.
Daddy, we love you... both!

"Freja has seen his pictures... she sometimes thinks that Tuomas is her father!" Floor looked Tarja and she hugged her. "I miss him... I have no doubt he loves her! He is just hurt a-"
"A FOOL! A PURE ASSHOLE FLOOR! HE LOVE-D HER! IF HE LOVES HER THEN HE SHOULD COME BACK AND NOT WASTE HIS TIME AT BARS IN SWEDEN INSTEAD OF HAVING THE BEST YEARS WITH HIIIS DAUGHTER!" Tarja yelled angry, scaring Floor. Floor wiped away her tears and held bacl the new ones. "Floor... I am sorry but... darling, I am your bff! And bffs tell the truth!" Tarja said softly and caressed Floor's hair.
"You are right..." She whispered and nodded.
"Floor... Floor go find him! Go with Freja too and visit his sister in Sweden! It's been a year! He might have regreted, so go and find him! If he loves his family he will return!" Tarja said and smiled at Floor.
"Shall I?" Floor asked and Tarja nodded making Floor gain her long lost hope.

After a month Floor had organised everything.
She said "Goodbye" to her friends, the ones that stood by her, Tuomas and Tarja.
So along with Freja they took the first fly for Sweden.
After hours the plan landed.

Floor found Alexandra's house.
"Everything will be fine baby..." She whispered to Freja that was sleeping in her arms and knocked the door. After a minuite a beautiful, tall and serious looking woman opened the door.
"Floor! Freja!" She yelled excited. "Come in!" She whispered once she understood that Freja was sleeping. They got in and sat down.
"How are you?" Floor asked and smiled weakly.
"Better than you!" She replied and Floor looked at the ground. "Sorry I didn't mean to... I learnt what happend with Hannes. I saw him once in the street and he told me everything... Floor he-"
"Hates me..." Floor said but Alexandra ran besides her and lift her head so she can look at her eyes.
"He loves you! He is hurt and destroyed after what happend with us and he couldn't stand watching you unhappy with him... He felt guilty and he still feels guilty! He would give everything to come back but he is sure that you won't agree with that..." She said and Floor was now having tears of happiness mixes with sadness.
"Where-Where can I find him?"

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