We Found Love

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As Emma approached the ice wall, she saw that it had some depth to it. She was curious to see if there was anyone hiding in there or what it looked like inside. Emma cautiously walked into the cave. She didn't realize how cavernous it was from the outside. It was one of the most beautiful structures she had ever seen in her life. She noticed some movement in the corner of her eye.

"Hello?! Anyone in here? You don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you. My name is Emma."

Still silence greeted Emma. She started to shiver and muttered...

"Maybe I should just go back to my family."

Then she saw more movement and a beautiful woman glided out with long blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Emma couldn't stop staring. She wanted to say something but she was frozen and couldn't figure out what to say.

The woman finally said "Hello. I'm Queen Elsa and I'm looking for my sister, Anna."

Emma was still entranced by Elsa but she had to speak up or this Queen would think there was something wrong with her.

"Oh yes...I'm Emma and you are in Storybrooke. How did you get here? I've never seen you around."

Elsa looked at Emma with a shy smile, not knowing how to answer her question without sounding like a loon.

"I was in an urn. My sister put me in it but I don't think she was in her right mind."

Emma was dumbfounded. This woman was in an urn. What did that even mean? So strange.

"Why were you in an urn? Are you dangerous? I don't want you near anyone from town if you are."

Elsa looked down ashamed.

"I have ice and snow powers. When my sister found out and accepted me I was in much better control of them but since we've separated it's not as easy to be in control. I'm always worried about her which triggers my powers a bit."

Emma never heard of anyone who had those kinds of powers before. Elsa noticed that Emma was shivering and started to worry about her. She felt drawn to this woman who came into the ice cave. As she worried about Emma, her powers unfortunately started acting up.

Elsa whispered to herself "Oh no not now. Conceal, don't feel."

Elsa felt the need to protect Emma from herself but it was too late. The ice cave was concealing the entrance off. How was Emma supposed to escape? Elsa didn't know what to do. Emma was so cold that she couldn't keep standing.

She sat down with the walkie talkie and pressed a button on it saying "I'm trapped in here. I can't get out and I'm so cold."

Elsa was confused. How can you talk into a box and expect a response?

Suddenly there was some static from the odd machine and a female voice said "We'll try to get you out. Is there anyone in there with you that could help release you, honey?"

Emma could barely form any words because she was so cold and couldn't stop shivering. She felt her body slowly giving up on pulling through.

She handed the walkie talkie to Elsa. "El-Elsa, pleas-se talk-k to my m-mom for-r me. All y-you h-h-have to do is pres-ss that b-but-tton to talk-k."

Elsa looked at Emma with glassy eyes. "I'm so sorry, Emma. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. All I wanted to do was to find my sister."

Elsa took the walkie talkie and pressed the button.

"Hello. I'm Elsa. I accidentally trapped your daughter in here with me. I didn't mean to. And I don't know how to undone what I've done."

There was silence on the other side and she silently sobbed.

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