Chapter 1

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  Pawnee Indiana seemed like a regular town to you. You, having just moved in, were currently unpacking. While finishing up unearthing your kitchen supplies, you heard a knock at your door. You quickly went to the door, spatula in hand, and opened it. Outside stood two women, one with blonde hair and a wide smile and the other had straight dark brown hair.
  "Welcome to Pawnee! I'm Leslie Knope, part of the Parks Department here, and this is my lovely friend Anne Perkins!" The smiley blonde woman said.
  Anne looked toward the area behind your house and sighed. "You should probably be careful of the giant pit behind your house. It's really deep."
  "Oh, thank you!" You nodded politely, acknowledging the warning,"It's nice to meet you two, I'm (your name)."
  Leslie pulled thick, white binder and handed it to you. "As soon as I saw the 'For Sale' sign gone here, I thought I'd put this together. It's a collection of all the fun places to go or things to do around here all throughout the year."
  "Oh, wow Ms Knope! This is very thoughtful," You said. The whole thing was a bit strange, but you only thought of it as a kind gesture.
  Leslie laughed and shook her head,"Oh please, call me Leslie... or President Knope. If you need anything, feel free to stop by the Parks Department. My office is always open."
  After some more banter about Pawnee, Anne reminded Leslie of something they had to take care of on a schedule and you said your goodbyes. You waved as they left your yard and you shut the door.
  'They seemed pretty nice," You thought to yourself as you set the binder down on your couch,"I'll have something to read after I unpack."
  With that, you continued unpacking your things. It was starting to get late by the time you finished and you were very hungry. You decided to look at the binder Leslie had left to see if there were any good places to eat in the area. The whole thing was very organized and you were able to settle on an eatery in no time. You got in your car and started driving to Jay Jay's diner.

(Hey, sorry if this seems a bit short. Consider it as a test to see if people actually want to read this sort of thing. If you want more, leave a comment.  I'll try to update every Monday.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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