meetung KISS, touring with KISS.

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Alex's POV.

Paul Stanley said to me: "the concert isn't until Frieday. It's wednesday. Go see, and invite him. Oh, and before you go, here is a KISS Honorary roadie badge, where you can pretend to play with us, and sing our songs. Give one to Nick." I rode in a taxi, and and I gave $5. There he saw me. He gave me a guy hug.

Nick's POV

I saw Alex, and saw that he had a KISS Honorary roadie badge on. I said: "Is KISS here?" Alex said: "Yeah, and I am touring with them." I said: "No way! When is the concert?" "Friday." Alex said. He gave me a Honorary roadie badge. He said: with this, we can pretend to play with KISS, and sing the KISS songs".

Paul Stanley's POV

Gene, Tommy, Eric, and I were rehearsing for the KISS Concert on Friday. I did Detroit Rock City, Love Gun, and Hell or Halleujah, Gene did I Love it Loud, Calling Dr. Love it Loud. Then Alex came and knocked. We let him in. He said: Nick will come for the KISS Concert.

To be continued...

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