Chapter Twenty - Goodbye my love/Goodbye my friend

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"Luke no don't - baby you cannot do this, please stay - why do you keep giving him what he wants?" Amethyst held him close to her - as he kissed her, pushing her gently back onto their bed and gently holding her as he took her, whispering softly and lovingly as they joined together once more.

"I have to go my Amethyst - my darling Amy, but whatever happens my sweet girl, I will protect you and our baby girl, he will not harm you. Oh love", Luke said holding her close to him. "Please stay baby - stay with us, with me and your baby, you do not need to go to him, I will never see you again"

He gently kissed her, staying with her as she fell back into an exhausted sleep. Silently he dressed, then went to get his beloved horse ready for the journey. As he took one final look up at the window of the room where his family were sleeping - Luke reassuringly patted his horse before walking slowly away. 

He pushed Destrier on, knowing he did not have long to get to the ford and what would be found there. His heart ached to hold Amethyst, to tell her loved her and that he was so sorry - he longed to comfort his baby girl, all the while knowing that she would never know her daddy.

Twice Luke nearly turned back - but stubborn determination and fear as to what the Comte would do to his family drove him on, but to what - his certain death...........

Back at home, Amethyst cradled their baby - as she looked out of the window, desperately wanting to see him, to see her love coming back to her. She knew though in her heart - he would never return, she would never see him again. 

Meanwhile Luke had got to the ford - where the Comte was waiting for him. "So you came then, that is good", he slipped into his native French which Luke responded to in the same tongue. 

"Yes sir, I came - but I want no part of this fight, I want to go home to my wife, to our baby - you remember our little girl, who needs her father in her life. Comte, please - stop this before it goes too far, and something happens."

Luke stepped back and looked at the Comte - with absolute fear and begging in his eyes. The Comte just looked at him and laughed - "Theo, Robert, come my friends - let us show this person what happens when he crosses us and takes what is mine".

The two men cornered Luke - and he never saw who threw the first blow - the only thing he remembers is being punched and kicked repeatedly by the Comte's ruffians - while he watched smirking.

Meanwhile Amethyst was nursing their child - she knew something was desperately wrong and wanted to go to Luke. Her nurse - who had known her since she was the same age as her baby begged her not to. 

"Little Amelie needs her maman, she cannot lose you and her papa" - her nurse said, after Amelie had finished being fed.

"Take care of her, I need to go, I need to stop this - Luke could be seriously hurt - I will not let this happen", and with that Amethyst quickly saddled her beloved horse - galloping very fast towards the fort and the place where they would be.

As she got closer, terrible sounds of fighting could be heard. Amethyst slowed her beloved horse Star down to a walk  as the sounds got louder. She could see Destrier who whinnied softly when he saw them. Riding closer, Amethyst silenced him, and tied Star up to the tree where Destrier was.

She could still hear the Comte shouting to his men, and one of the names brought a tear to her eye. It was Theo, her brother, her best friend. She knew then she had to stop this, though she could not bring herself to approach the attack.

Breathing slowly and her eyes filling with tears - she walked around the corner, and witnessed something that she thought she would not see. Luke and Theo were fighting the Comte and the other man, thumps and shouting filled the air as the two brave men threw punch after punch at the two bullies.

Luke twisted round - he was attacking the Comte - pain in his eyes, but determination to hurt him, when he noticed Amethyst. Pushing the Comte off forcibly into the other two men - he ran to her.

"No baby girl, go darling please - Theo is helping me, we will teach them both a lesson but this is no place for you, for my wife. Baby I love you - oh god Amethyst", he pulled her to him and the kiss they shared was passionate and strong. His arms and hands wrapped around her softly and gently. She could not believe that less than a moment ago, her sweet gentle husband had been fighting so badly. 

"I want to get you home right now baby - I want you, right now - oh god baby why did you have to come - why", his gaze was filled with fear and love - he did not want her to stay, but he knew he wanted to go home with her, to make love to her again and to forget the Comte ever existed.

"She will not be coming home with you, my dear Luke -  I am going to make sure you are never together ever, and I am going to have a child with her, we are going to be together and there is nothing you can do."

The Comte smirked as Luke went to start the fight again, he was stopped by a hand on his arm. Turning he saw Amethyst and her eyes were filled with tears and pain. "He is right, I need to go with him, to stop this - once and for all, but Luke I will come back to you my angel I promise - now go, please go home to our baby - she needs her daddy".

Luke looked at her and shook his head in disbelief - "No Amethyst, I will not let you do this, I love you and I am taking you home too, our little Amelie needs her mamma", he held her close and kissed her again, before turning to the Comte. 

"Go on then, kill me if you must but I cannot let you take her away from me - I love her so much and I know you understand because you love her sister don't you". Amethyst's eyes widened - realising that this now made perfect sense.

"Yes I do, Amethyst I am so sorry, but I was jealous of you both, jealous of how you are together - I love your sister - my Kaitlin - and I will never see her again. This is all my fault, we used to be so close and I treated you both so badly. Luke can you ever forgive what I was going to do"? 

The Comte went and shook Luke's hand, and hugged Amethyst, his eyes filling with pain at how he had hurt his old friend. Suddenly a rush of memories flooded through Amethyst, of her, Kaitlin and Joe when they were younger - playing together, riding together and being friends.

"So why did you do it, why did you treat me the way you did - getting your men to hurt me, beat me and treat me so badly - Joe I do not understand it", Amethyst looked at him, at the man who had been her best friend for years. 

"I am so sorry - I do not know what I was thinking, I have no reason for this, none at all, but Amethyst I will never hurt you again, I can promise you that", and with that Joe turned and left with his friends beside him. 

Luke ran over to Amethyst, pulling her into his arms - their kisses of relief and happiness apparent as they broke apart and walked over to their beloved horses. In a short while they were home, and Luke cradled his baby daughter in his arms, love for the two of them filled him as he looked at his beautiful wife and baby - and thought how lucky he was. 

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