Cams POV:
Ever since Mollie and I moved in together, we've become closer. I think I'm catching strong feelings for her but she won't ever like me back like that! I mean come on, she's my best friend and that's all she'll ever want to be!
I get snapped out of my thoughts by Mollie jumping onto my bed,
"CAMERONNNN" she screams as she landed
"What?!" I say worried
"Phaha, I missed you!" She says giggling
"Oh, I missed you too! But you scared me, I though something happened to you!" I say calming down
"I'm fine!" She says climbing on top of me playfully
"What do you want" I say disappointed that I can't call her mine
"I'll leave then!" She says sounding heartbroken
"No I was joking! What's up?" I says apologetically
"I know you were, and I just want to cuddle" she says smirking
"Ok, climb into the bed then" I say and she does so.
She lies down and I wrap my arm across her waist, she looks at me blushing,
"Mollie Anne Brake, did I just make you blush?!" I ask
"What?! No!" She says in a defensive way
"It's ok, you look cute when you blush" I say as she blushes even more
"Thanks, I guess, haha" she says giggling
"I think it's cute when you giggle like that" I say to her
"Oh why thank you!" She says in a childish way
I look at her and think
'Why haven't I kissed her yet?! I'm so dumb'
"Yeah you are! It's taken you this long" she says
"Did I say that out lo-" I get cut off by her smashing her lips against mine
"Just shut up and kiss me again" she says
"I mean sure! I'm not complaining" I say kissing her again but more passionately this time, when we finally split I see Mollie staring at me
"Good night" she says in a tired way
"Night, sweat dreams" I say kissing her forehead
She kisses me back, a peck on the lips. Then she rests her head on my chest and falls to sleep
I run my fingers through her hair and drift off to sleep

A/n aren't they so cute together?! I love it #Mameron or #Collie your choice babies byeeeeee - Georgia 🌎💁

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