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❝ there is a stranger , who comes to this village from the sea . he comes in the winter when people are hungry and brings fish . he comes on the king tide . that was last night . ❞


tagged by this weird homo sapiens named winter
( jk jk ily )

one ; how old are you ?
i'm 15 lmao

two ; do you prefer smut or fluff ?
depends- ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)

three ; what is the first story you read on wattpad ?
the milk fic. ( that counts, okay- )

four ; favorite comfort food ?
none lmao

five ; if you could dye your hair any color , what would it be ?
i really like blue- but i want it red because gerard way ( thats a good explanation , dont even try to argue )

six ; favorite color ?
blue , purple or red :^)

seven ; who is your k-pop bias ?
lmao wat-
jk , Lu Han from exo- ?????👀

eight ; favorite band / singer ?
oh god-

p!atd, tøp , green day , fob , melanie m , shawn m , mcr, electric century , frank iero andthe patience , ray toro , waterparks , imagine dragons , shakira , gerard way ( his solo career(?) lmao ) , social repose ( he counts , right ? )

nine ; where do you come from ?
depends- idk if they did a c-section ;)

ten ; most exiting thing you've ever done ?

so me and my friends were in PE ( 2 years ago lmao ) and we had to jump the fence to go out and get some food and the police was near ( that same day they arrested a boy from my school for cussing out my math teacher and trying to go on the roof lmao ) and yeh-

eleven ; favorite tv show(s) ?
x files

twelve ; what's your favorite number ?

thirteen ; who's your inspiration ?
gerard way and josh dun

fourteen ; favorite quote / motto ?
insert lex luthor's whole b v s script because even if i know it by memory i'm not gonna type that shit lmao. ( also , aquaman's future dialogue )

fifteen ; favorite ice cream flavor ?

i tag ;


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