[kim seokjin]

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I went to your job because i had to talk to you. I had to stop our meetings.

I saw you and quickly pulled out the letter from my pocket.

You saw me and stopped what you were doing. You stared at me and a smirk appeared on your lips.

I walked to the counter and slipped the letter onto it.

"Same time, same place." I told you as I looked into your eyes. You nodded your head and put the letter into your pocket.

You knew not to read the letter till after we met, as I have done and told you before to do so. Did you actually wait to read it till after we met? Well, we will find out tonight.

I turned around and walked back to the store entrance. I took one last glance back and sighed, as I knew it would be the last time I see you in this state.
Saturday night at the House of Cards
11:00 p.m.

I walked into the hotel room and saw you on the balcony. I saw the letter on the bedside table untouched. Glad you listened to me.

I knocked on the balcony door and you turned around with a sad smile on your face.

"I need to talk to you." We said at the same time. You encouraged me to go first, and I opened my mouth ready to speak.

"We need to stop this. I'm sorry." The words came out of my mouth to fast. "I'm sorry for playing you. I'm sorry for never really loving you." Little did you know I didn't mean it. I loved you ever bit. I loved you so much.

"I thought that by using you as pleasure, I would get over the things that happened to me before I met you. That bad things that I would like to forget about, but I can't." Tears started to form in my eyes. I don't think I can hold it in much longer.

"You helped me forget about them when we would meet. But they would come back every time I walked out of that door and closed it. Those memories haunted me. I can't live with it anymore. I don't know if you want this or not, but we have to stop. I know I will never get over this sadness that has pained me. That has made me use you. So this is a farewell. I'm sorry."

I started to walk to the door looking down at the ground as I walked. Leaving you without telling me what you needed to say. I opened the door and started to walk out but paused.

"Don't forget to read the letter." I said as I finally walked out and closed the door.

"I love you Kim Seokjin." I whispered as I walked down the hallway to the elevator.

I walked out of the hotel entrance and burst into tears automatically. I cried my way home.

I entered my apartment and immediately went for the knife on the kitchen table.

"Thank you Kim Seokjin for trying to help me get rid of my sadness." I smiled one last time as I slowly put the blade on my skin and slashed my wrists. "I love you."


Her words left me unspeakable. I was going to confess my love for her, but turns out she never loved me.

"I'm sorry for never really loving you."

Those words kept repeating in my head. I knew it from the start that she never loved me. But I loved her and wanted to tell her how I felt, hoping it would maybe make her feel better. Feel loved.

A tear slid down my cheek as I walked into the hotel room heading for the bedside table. My trembling hand reaching for the letter she gave me.

Dear Kim Seokjin,
Thank you for trying to help me cure my sadness. I appreciate you very much for doing so, even if nothing I felt was real towards you. Even if I just used you, you kept on going.

Thank you for meeting me every other day to try and make me happy. I know what you think I said is true, but it's not. Do you know what I'm talking about? Probably not since I've said many things to you. But just know that I am very thankful.

As you read this letter I am probably walking home right now. Tears streaming down my face as I remember the horrible things that happened to me. That horrible things that made me sad. The horrible things that made me use you.

By the time you finish reading this, I will be lifeless. I would like to no longer resume on this earth trying to bear the pain that faces me everyday. Thank you Kim Seokjin for trying to help me, for building the House of Cards, and I'm sorry for using you.


I couldn't believe what I was reading. The love of my life was no longer alive.

I dropped to my knees knowing there was nothing I could do. I shouldn't have let you go. I should have confessed. Maybe then things would've been different and you would still be alive this moment.

Tears stained my cheeks as I remembered how much pain you were in, and I still couldn't help. I tried my hardest.

I can't live with myself knowing I couldn't help you. Even if you didn't love me back.

I got up from my position and walked towards the balcony. I hoped onto the railing and held the letter tightly in my hand, tears still running down my face.

"I love you Y/N." I whispered as I let myself fall off the railing into the cold, lifeless night feeling as if I'm flying.

The last thing I could see was a picture in my head of your beautiful face before everything went pitch black dark.
"YFN/YLN was found dead in her apartment last night when her neighbor reportedly heard a scream coming from her apartment. She immediately contacted the police, and the police found her lifeless body on the floor of her apartment with slashed wrists. Time of death is estimated to be 11:59 p.m."

"In coming news, Kim Seokjin was also found dead last night as a man reportedly saw him jump off the balcony of a hotel room. Estimated time of death is 11:59 p.m."


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