Muni Kautsya-Honesty

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Ta av hi trayo lokasta av tray aashrama:I

Ta avah hi trayo vedast avoktasrtayoagnaya:II

(Manusmruti 2/230)

Mother, Father and teacher are considered as BHU:(The Earth) BHUVA:(The sky) and Sva: (The Artesian well world of water).They are symbols of three Aashramas ,Brahmacharyashram,Gruhastashram And Vanprasthashram.They are like three Vedas Rigveda,Yajurveda and Samveda.They are three kinds of fire Gaharpatya,Dakshinagni and Aahavniyagni.If a person serve all these three ,he could win three world.Heaven,Earth and Artesian water world. Hence it is said in TAITARIYOPANISHAD (1/11/2)




Mother, Father and Guru are my GODs on this Earth.

Do you know when this could happen on this earth? The answer is :

When can we have students like KAUTSYA .

Let's learn from our ancient exemplary Guru and Pupil...

In ancient India we have Gurukulm, the residential schools and colleges, Universities for the education and trainings of the students. The students have to go to Gurukul for twenty years and study there under the strict discipline of celibacy. The objectives of Gurukul system can be described into three main heads:

The first objective is to prepare pupil physically,mentally and intellectually powerful by observing VRAT of celibacy.Secondly ,to inspire them to follow virtues like discipline,self reliance,to be obedient, to serve mankind, to follow truth and religion and respectful virtuous life.Thirdly, every student has to complete the wide syllabus of learning. They have to learn Rahasya,Kalpa,Sang Vedas,Anvikshiki and sixty four kinds of Arts.Let's see what type of students are the product of ancient 'Gurukul'.

Muni Kautsa was studying in the Ashram of Vartantu Rishi .When the study was over ,on the day of convocation celebration,SAMAVARTAN SANSKAR as it was called at that time he asked his Guru for his fees that he has to pay as GURI DAKSHINA. Guru Varatantu was well aware of his poverty and told him that you have served me well here and I am satisfied with your services I don't want anything from you. But the pupil Kautsa insisted him. Just to test the capabilities of his pupil Guru demanded fourteen crore golden coins .Now a poor Brahmin is in the tight corner. How to fetch the fees for Guru? At that time King Raghu had arranged a 'VISHVAJIT YAGNA" and he had emptied his treasure totally by giving charity to the needy. He was not having a single utensil, even a glass of copper to offer water so he offered him water in the glass of sand. When Maharshi Kautsa saw that king was not able to fulfill his need , he did not say a word but wanted to go back in search of another king. But the king insisted him to tell the reason of his coming and on knowing the desire of his guest Kautsa Muni ,he urged him to stay for two or three days until he could arrange the fourteen crore golden coins for him .Kautsa Muni stayed at King's palace. Now King Raghu had taken his bow and arrow and decided to fight with the God of wealth; Kuber because being a Kshyatriya he had to earn wealth with his physical strength only, he was not allowed to ask for Madhukari like Sadhu. He had to fight and win Kuber's treasure. When Kuber knew that the brave King was going to attack on him in the next morning because he had to fulfill the desire of his guest for the noble cause of paying Guru Dakshina of a Brahin pupil to his Guru ,he showered golden coins in the palace of Raghu in the night .Early in the morning when king Raghu saw that kuber had avoided fighting and given him his desired coins,he offered everything to Muni Kautsa and told him that Kuber had given his treasure for you.You can take away everything but Kautsa replied that 'I don't want anything from the treasure for me, I want only fourteen crore golden coins for my Guru as I have to pay fees to my Guru."




When people of Ayodhya know this they congratulated both the king and the Muni Kautsa. King had fulfilled the wish of his guest though he was having not a single coin with him left after the charity he had done in the religious 'Vishvajit Yagna' and Kautsa Muni because he was very poor but he did not take a single coin for him. He had asked for alms only to pay his fees to his Guru.

Can we find donor and pupil of this type today? Can we find any Guru who had taught his pupil for twenty years without taking a single coin from him in the name of fees.

Let's salute our great culture where character is the most important compared to wealth.

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