The Box part 13

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They were planning to kidnap me and take me to an abandoned building where high security will be tripled. They will demand me for my bracelet and once they get their hands on it, they will torture me in every possible way and then kill me. My daughters and I headed back home. Crying of sadness and bad futuristic thoughts. The thoughts of me not being there for my daughters for when they need me most, that I won't be there to walk them down the aisle, be a grandmother to their kids. I had a rough copy of Thorn's plan and took it with me to my room. Walking to my room a sudden feeling washed over me making me feel guilt, pressure, fear and absolute afraidness. I have to hide this bracelet and lie to them. Let's make this plan. I walk downstairs to my office and forward a paper in front of me. I write a couple of words. After a long time, I tried many times to write a plan but I still fail to make one. I turn my head to look at the bin, only to find it piled with scrunched up papers. I give up and walk downstairs to find my daughters. I start to hear people talking but I think it's only my body guards. I walk into their room and try to discuss a plan. We started saying places for example:

Grandma's Old House

In the park dirts

With the police officers or something other than that

I go into the elevator to head off to my office when I see that level that I dared go into. Legend has it that when you step foot in there, your most trusted ones will leave from you. PFFT like anything is even in there. I take my bodyguards in with me to make sure that we are safe. We enter inside and take a left. The second I enter that room I new that it would be filled of gold scattered around and mummies in a coffin. I never even knew that was there though. We go up the elevator and head back into my room. I set on my alarm and go to sleep. I had dreams of plans that would work. Out of nowhere I hear the alarm. Someone is in the house, and they are coming up the stairs.

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