The first day

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Chapter 1: The First Day

Three Hours Later


Tyler sits regretfully thinking of how he treated his little sister as he watches her sleep. He stands to walk to the door.

"Tyler. Please don't leave me," she whispered, "I don't want to be alone."

"I need to get back to mom."

"Tyler, No!" she tried to say as her medicine kicked in and fell asleep.

I was thinking as I walked down the hall, then turned around. As I walked in the room I said "I love you, but I'm leaving you, mom, and Claudia," I sniffled "I'm sorry Meagan," I said as I noticed she was asleep. I wrote in her 'My Little Pony' pink ink pen on a napkin,

"I'm sorry, but goodbye," and sat it by her teddy bear. He then whispered again, "I love you."

"Sir, I'm sorry but visiting hours are over," the nurse said as she stuck her head in the room.

"Don't be sorry, I was just leaving," I replied as we walked to the front of the hospital together.

As I was driving home I started tearing up, making it hard to see the rode. I pulled over and as I stepped out of the car for air, I notice they same blue mustang that my cousin drives. I saw flashes coming from the car so I immediately got back in a speed off.

After all that, I thought to myself, "I have to stay and save Meagan." I continued driving. "Stay...Save...Meagan! Stay...Save...Meagan!"

I got home and fell asleep sometime around midnight.

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