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"Did we really have to get up this early?" Pidge complained, pulling her blanket over her face,
"Obviously! The fair isn't in town all year! So get up and get in the car we're leaving in 10 minutes and if you aren't ready by then than I'm leaving without you!" Lance replied, yanking the blanket back off his small roommate.
Pidge was tired but Lance knew she was just as excited as he was about the fair coming to town, they both loved the rides and greasy food though they weren't as excited about the prices. Lance had saved up some money just for this day, he managed to get a good $40 and he planned to spend every dime, his belief was it's impossible to waste money when it's on a fair. Pidge eventually flopped out of bed and began to gather her things as Lance got his shoes on. Pidge and Lance have known each other for some time, they met in high school and grew closer as time went on, so when college hit and they both found themselves in need of a place to stay, it didn't take long for them to make the decision to group up. The duo would have been rooming with their mutual friend hunk if he hadn't gone on to live with his girlfriend, shay. As Pidge finished up her morning routine, Lance had been waiting by the door tapping his foot in anticipation for the smell and sound of the fair ground. A quick car ride later and they found themselves at the entrance of the fair. The smell of fried foods and lemonade filled the air as children screaming and laughing accompanied the carnival music played at each attraction. The duo paid their fee and stepped through the gate, their eyes darted back and forth as the bright colors and lights from each activity fought for their attention. Pidge was more interested in the walk through attractions, like the hall of mirrors and those obstacle courses with shifting floors and ladders, however Lance found those boring and preferred the roller coasters and  spinning rides. They came to the conclusion to split up, pidge heading in the opposite direction of lance. Lance wandered and contemplated what to go on first, he spotted a light blue painted ride called "the lions roar" and was drawn to it, or more so the rides conductor. He was a slim man with black hair, pulled back into a pony tail, and a black snapback. His black outfit was doing him no good in this heat but the sweat glistening off his features was doing something for Lance at least. Lance soon found himself staring as he made his way towards the attraction, he however stopped before he could get close enough for the man to notice him. The tan boy approached a booth selling cotton candy and bought some, using every chance he could to switch his gaze back to the ride operator. He took a bite out of his newfound mound of flavorful fluff as he tried to decide what to do. He could go up and use one of the many pickup lines he's collected over the years. The situation plays out in his mind. In his dream world the dirt ground becomes full of grass and bunnies are skipping by, he suddenly has bulging muscles and a sparkling teeth, the people around the ride leave as lance sways towards the ride conductor, the black haired man is visibly blushing and smiling, lance extends the cotton candy towards the other boy. "Hey hot stuff, I'd ask if you'd like some of this sugar but you look good enough to eat already~", he growls at the end of his sentence. God this would never work, dream over, lance could never get this boy. Hell he didn't even know if he was gay! Well, I mean yeah he kinda did, he had never seen such feminine hips on a straight man in his life. So he'd say his assumption was pretty safe. He thought up other scenarios until he had eaten all his cotton candy, he threw away the stick and figured he might as well just get in line for the ride. As he stepped behind a middle aged woman and two prepubescent children, the conductors gaze landed on Lance, his eyes sparkling purple, Lance felt he was melting and not just because it was surprising hot that day. "Stop staring oh god you're gonna make this weird" he mumbled to himself, continuing to stare at the boy. The conductors attention was quickly drawn back to the ride as he noticed the ride had gone on a tad longer than he intended, he slowed it down and let the children off the ride. As the conductor moved lance could see this guy was strong, not super buff like those body builders on instagram, but this guy wasn't too thin. He was slim but lean, his sweat causing the already tight shirt to cling to his body and leave a very nice outline for lance to admire. The conductor soon returned to the line and started taking tickets as people flooded onto the contraption, the ride had filled leaving only lance left standing, there was one seat left on the ride but lance turned down the offer to sit next to a hefty man in a "make america great again" shirt in favor of sitting behind the gate and maybe getting in a conversation with the man operating the machine. The conductor got closer and Lances heart began to pound. He mustered up all his courage and as the ride began he turned to speak, "Hi, my name's Lance. Mind if I ask yours?" He figured it was a simple enough introduction. The boy seemed a little surprised but then went back to his original expression and replied "Um, hi. My name's keith, and if you're expecting to get a free ride out of trying to be my friend then imma tell you now that is not happening" His expression remained dull and he turned back to the controls, monitoring everything was okay. Lance was a little taken aback by the sudden accusation and stuttered back to keith "n-no that wasn't my plan at all if anything I was wondering if I could take you on a ride, wait that's not what i meant, well yes it is, um, I'm sorry" Lance felt a blush creep onto his cheeks as he tilted his head towards his feet, trying to hide his embarrassment but Keith's face was just as red. Keith was NOT expecting that, had a cute boy just offer him a ride?? No that couldn't be right it couldn't be. His thoughts were interrupted by lance speaking up once more. "I mean, we don't have to if you're not interested I can just go and we can pretend this never happened? I can just, yeah, I'm gonna, yeah" he started to turn but a hand caught his shoulder, he turned back to see keith with a slight smile, "I'd like that actually, I don't get off until later but if you'd be willing to wait, I'd actually love to." Lance was frozen in place, he did not expect that to work wow okay. He quickly nodded in reply and keith continued "I'll be here so just meet me at 5, sound good?" Lance mumbled a quick "yeah" before turning to go. The high he was at right now couldn't be topped by any ride anyways. He went to find pidge. She would not believe what just happened to him.
"You got a date?? In the half hour I was gone you got a heckin date??" Pidge's tone was unreasonable and Lance couldn't decipher whether she was happy, surprised, or mad. "..yes?" He said quietly, not sure what the response from his roommate would be. "This has gotta be a joke, I mean, I've seen you use flirt before, it never goes well how on earth did you manage this, who's it even with, did you sit next to them for a ride or something?"
Lance shrugged "I guess you could say that, he was uh conducting the ride"
Pidge laughed slightly,"ohhh so he couldn't leave when you started talking to him that makes since" pidge crossed her arms, believing to have solved the riddle of how lance got a date in the same amount of time it took her to through only 3 attractions. Her satisfaction was cut short however by lance butting in, seeming offended "I'll have you know when I tried to leave he pulled me back!" Lance crossed his arms, a little frustrated at pidges accusations. Pidge just giggled a bit more as she replied "so you chickened out in the first place? Niiice" she walked to a nearby bench and sat down in a crisscross applesauce position. She propped her head up on her hands waiting to see how Lance would try and cover this. All she got in return was lance mumbling a "no! I asked and then tried to leave so yeah i guess but i wasn't a chicken just ahh" lance plopped down next to pidge and shoved his face into his hands, he didn't even know what he was gonna do when 5 o' clock hit. Pidge simply sighed with a smile as she watched her friend worry, she knew he'd be fine.
Lance sat staring at his phone, playing ballz™ and watching the minutes change, 4:50, he closed the game, 4:50, he stood up and made his way towards the ride, waiting by the cotton candy booth until he looked down at his phone and finally, 5:00. He took a breath and walked towards keith. Keith looked up at the taller boy and a smile formed at the edge of his lips, "so you did come, I'm glad." Keith walked away from the controls as another worker in the same black attire took his place. Keith took lance's hand and started walking "I have to change real quick so if you could just follow me and give me juuuust 5 minutes I'll be ready!" They stopped at a gate door, keith went in and, as promised, came out no more than 5 minutes later. He was wearing some black skinny jeans and a red tank top, his hair was now free from the hat he was previously wearing and he let it hang freely over his shoulders. Lance's mouth hung open slightly in awe at the sight. Shit, keith was hot before but daaaamn Lance was pretty damn gay for this boy. Keith broke the silence, "..so?" Lance snapped back into reality. "Um, right ok, do you wanna go on a drop tower?" Lance wasn't quite sure what he was actually supposed to do but the first ride he saw was the drop tower, so he guessed that's what they were going on. Keith nodded and started to walk towards the ride and their night officially began. They went on the drop tower then the roller coaster and then the swinging pirate ship, lance was running out of tickets but didn't mind it as it meant spending more time with this gorgeous boy. He was finally left with only 4 tickets. He looked around and noticed the only ride that they could still go on was the ferris wheel. The sun had begun to set and more and more lights started popping up around the fair. "So, ferris wheel it is then?" Lance asked, "I can't think of a better way to spend such a nice day" keith replied with a grin. The couple walked hand in hand towards the big wheel,which was now glowing a nice light shade of purple. They sat in their cart and talked over the events of the day as their cart ascended. "So have you enjoyed yourself?" Lance asked, not sure what his response would be though he hoped it would be positive. "More than I have in a long time" keith laughed quietly, the tension between the two was thick and from their opposite ends of the cart they felt a word apart yet too close to handle. Lance leaned towards the middle of the cart, keith repeated the action to maintain the balance. "Does that mean I walk out of this with a boyfriend?" Lance asked, putting on his best fake confidence and following with a smirk. Keith blushed slightly and smiled as he replied "I like that idea. Do you wanna be my boyfriend then? Are you sure you wanna date the mess that is the keith kogane?" He laughed slightly but his concern was real, he was in slight disbelief of his situation. Lance leaned slightly closer and held keiths hand, "It would be an honor", he brought the hand up and kissed it tenderly, following the act with a wink in keiths direction. The carts continued climbing and they noticed they were almost to the top. the lights around them while the sunset was beautiful, their hands intertwined, they admired the sight, then keith swiftly but tenderly took lances cheeck, and pressed his lips against the darker boy's. The cart stood at the top of the ferris wheel as they kissed. The world was a peaceful place in that moment and no one could ruin that. But that wouldn't keep pidge from trying by yelling "GAAAAAAAAY" from the cart behind them, giggling and eating popcorn.

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