The Five Guardians

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I was at home with my friends Rachel, Olivia, Alyssa, and Derek. I know I'm popular, what can I say? I am Max, a skinny, average height male with red hair, and I am a Solar Trainee. In Zaschu, my world, we have guardians of the world. They each wield a special something in their chromosomes. My friends and me all have them. We met at a special school where young guardians get sent to so they can hone their abilities and learn to use them. Though the powers don't bloom until around the age of 17, we get sent to a boarding school for protection. We all met when we were 8, except I have know Alyssa for 15 years and we met when we were four, and we have been friends  for 11 years. I have been in love with Olivia for 6 of those years. She is a Lunar Trainee and is skinny and pale. She has light, fluffy, golden hair. She has green eyes with a smile that could brighten the depths of the sea. Her twin sister is Rachel. Rachel has the perfect mixture of blonde and brunette hair that cascades around her pink and smiley face. Derek is tall, muscular, and brunette. He acts on impulse and never thinks before he acts. He is a Fire Trainee and Rachel is a Life Trainee. Alyssa is a tall and blonde Water Trainee. She is funny and is 'my other half.' The other elements are Water and Death. In all there are three pairs of elements. Water and Fire, Life and Death, and Solar and Lunar.

We were hanging out in our small and cozy dorm, as the administrator let us bunk together. It had a shaggy carpet that made you feel like you were walking on dreadlocks. The walls were stained a light, dull, mint green. It was a square room with a kitchen to the direct left and a beyond that. To the right there was a large brown couch in front of a 32 inch T.V. Straight ahead there was a hallway that branched off into eight rooms. Five bedrooms, one for each of us, two guest bedrooms, and a bathroom.

We were sitting on the couch watching The Big Bang Theory. Derek and Alyssa were whispering in the corner of the couch, Olivia was sitting normaly with my head in her lap, as I was lying. Rachel was sitting on the headrest of the couch behind Olivia, massaging her neck. The house alarm went off, alerting everyone it was time to get ready for our noon guardian lessons. We all got up and went into our rooms to change into proper attire, as before we were all still in our pajamas. When we were all ready I noticed Olivia clad in black jeans and a purple T-shirt, as beautiful and elegant as ever. As we were walking through the main room I ran into the kitchen wall, still daydreaming about Olivia. They all kept walking as Derek called me a nerd. I rushed through the boring, cream colored hallway to catch up. I finally caught up and we walked out into the parking lot. I spotted my Subaru and we all headed for it. We went to my car as it was my week to drive. Rachel yelled "SHOTGUN!" As Rachel was getting into the passenger seat Olivia caught her by surprise and wrestled her away from the door and slipped in, unscathed.

We started off onto the long winding streets of Zaschu. It was very hard turning that day, for every time I noticed Olivia in the corner of my eye, I felt my heart in my throat. Once while I was shifting gears she accidentally touched my hand and I swerved and almost crashed into oncoming traffic. "HOLY!" Derek screamed "What the heck, dude?" After that incident it was a smooth ride to Six Elements School.

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