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The building was brick with a small lawn in front and a cement walkway leading to the steel double doors. It was a bit dirty, the school wasn't rich, that's why they had to rent a cheap building across town for dorms. We pushed the doors open and stepped inside. The floor was a light linoleum tile and the walls were a very boring brown color. The whole building consisted of a hallway, a couple rooms, and a large backyard. The  hallway had ten rooms. A classroom for each  element,  two bathrooms, a cafeteria, and one leading to the courtyard. The courtyard was, basically, a little dirt path that led to six massive domes. These domes were for practicing and fighting with out skills.

We all went off to our rooms. I went to the Solar Dome, as I was a Solar Trainee. It was deceptively massive, as it appeared quite cramped. The seats sat in a circle, all facing the 'lightboard.' The lightboard was a whiteboard that shimmered like golden and white water. This is where Professor Loapol gave us notes and lectures. He could write on it with his finger. Above the lightboard was a massive mobile depicting the solar system. In the center of it was the sun. No matter where you sat you could view the entire room with ease, probably an illusion. I don't know if they other classes were this amazing as we were not allowed to enter them and my friends and I did not tell each other what our classrooms looked like.

The Solar element focused on heat, light, and illusions. The Lunar focused on the cold, darkness and could force the truth out of someone. Fire got..... fire. They can conjure fire and manipulate it. Water does the same thing, only with water. Life controls plants and has slight animalistic abilities. Death uses poisons and diseases to slowly decay enemies. Every element has two branched to it, and the branches have two specializations. The branches are melee and ranged. Melee's specializations are warrior and protector. The warrior usually carries two one-handed weapons or a two handed weapon. A protector most of the time uses a one-handed weapon and a shield. Range's specializations are archers and mages. Archers don't necessarily only use bows, they use any ranged weapon they can. Mages only use bracers that help conduct magical energy.

I am training to be a Solar Warrior. Rachel is training to become Life Protector. Olivia is almost a Lunar Archer. Derek wants to become a Fire Mage, and Alyssa is going to be one of the very few Water Archers.

I walked into the Solar Classroom and sat down. Professor Loapol was writing down notes. The notes automatically arranged themselves to say exactly what I needed to learn and adjusted to my ability level. As I was primarily practicing my fighting and I have almost mastered my summoning light ability it mainly told me battle techniques. I mentally ran through scenarios and wrote down notes for the next three hours. It was silent the whole time as everyone here was serious about graduating and did not take these classes lightly. After those three hours I decided it was time to go the Solar Dome and practice, I've had enough thinking for one sit down. I silently got up and walked out the door. I went to the walled in courtyard and saw Derek going into the Fire Dome. I was about to call out when a strong arm wrapped around my shoulders and a force swinging around me. "Hey!" Rachel shouted. She was smiling and brimming with life. Rachel was strong with no muscles to show evidence. "Hey,"

I replied, but before we could strike up a conversation she had to go into the Life Dome. "Cya," I called. "B-," she was cut off by the closing of the door. I jogged briskly to the next dome, the Solar Dome. As I entered a searing, white, light blazed to life and glared at me. I wasn't hindered by neither the heat nor the light. I did have the Solar gene. It was just a defense system designed to repel intruders. I walked in and stepped on the pressure plate to turn off the light.

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