Mack Styles?

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Chapter 1 

Macks POV


I was running none could stop me. i could hear the foot steps behind me. I quickened my pass, not taking any looks behind me. It was pitch black but i knew where i was going! I had to get back to the orphanage to save myself. I was scared that Drake would catch me but I had to run. Just as i was about to get there, he grabbed me!

 ~End of Dream~

I woke up scared out of my wits! I climbed out of bed. Today was sure to be another lifeless day at the orphanage. I was the only one up which was good cause it meant i got to have the first shower. When i got out and was changed, I went over to the calander, to see the date, it was Sunday! Great adoption day. Noone ever wanted me but i didn't mind. I mean who would!

I went down stairs and was greeted by a smiling Rebecca. "Hi Becs!" i said cheerfully "Hey kiddo! You ready for today?" She asked me hoping that more kids would get adopted. I nooded, I mean Bes loes kids, thats why shes here, but she kind of gets bored. "Thats good now have some breakfast all the others have. They came down when you got out of the shower!" She told me. I did as was told and went into the playroom. I went and sat on the window sill like usual and waited.

Harrys POV

"Hey boys?" i said looking up from my phone "I wanted to adopted a kid!" i said as they all looked at me after i said kid. You see sometimes it gets boring around here and i think a kid could lighten the mood. "Are you sure mate?" Louis asked a bit confused "And you think you're ready to?" Liam asked. "Yeah i love little kids. Plus it would be fun to have someone around who isn't our age." i said smiling. "Alright then lads, lets go help Mr Styles here adopted our neice or nephew." Louis said happily.

Macks POV

I watched as kids got adopted and left the orphanage. I looked out the window and saw a long black car pull up. I watched as five tall figures stepped out. About two seconds later the appered in the playroom. They played with all the little girls and boys and talked to some of the older ones but none came over to me. I understand though they don't need someone like me in their life. I saw the curly haired boy smile and it showed his dimples just like mine. He turned and looked at me I turned away quickly so he didn't see me looking at him.

Harrys POV

I was having so much fun with the little kids and older it brought me so much joy to know i'd be taking one home. I turned around a saw a girl who looked about 12-13 looking at me. She must of not wanted me to see because she turned away quickly. I walked up to her a patted her shoulder, she looked up at me with her big green eyes. She looked so much like me it was scary. I bent down to her level "HI im Harry whats your name?" i asked her smiling "I'm Mack" she said smiling showing off her cute little dimples just like mine. "Why are you over here Mack?" i ask her confused. She just srugged and turned to face the window, trying to get her long brown curly hair to cover her face from me. I don't know what it was but i really wanted her. She is cute!

Zayns POV

I watched as Harry came walking over to me. He had been talking to a little girl who is perched up  on the window sill. "Hey mate whats up?" I asked as he came and sat by me "I think i want to adopted that little girl in the couner on the window sill. I don't no why but she seems so much like me!" Harry said a little confused but happily.

Harrys POV

 The boys and i went up to the lady at the frount of the room and told her we wanted to adopted Mack. She seemed over joyed as she rushed over to Mack and told her that we wanted to adopt her. She smiled at me beforing running up stairs i guess to pack. After we signed all the forms Mack was ready. Niall took her bags as we were walking out the orphanage she seemed to be scared. I put my hand out and she took it sunggling up to me. She was so cute i dont see why she hadnt been adopted before. I guess its because of her age.

Macks POV

Once i was all packed up i headed downstairs to see the boys waiting for me. I knew all there names somehow but i dont know where from. Then i realised it was One Direction that had adopted me!!!!!  Niall took my bags for me and we started walking towards the door, it was then that i realised i had never been outside the orphanage walls before i was petrified!!! Harry must of noticed because he put his hand out for me and i took it and snuggeled up to him. I knew he was going to give me the life i deserve!!!!!


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