She had not expected rain that morning, nobody did really. It came fast and out of nowhere. Saihana had to resort to using her school bag as an umbrella, and ran to the nearest cover. She sighed, shaking the bag in a sorry excuse of an attempt to dry it. She leaned against the wall, "They're so lucky."
She pulled some strands of her curly dark brown hair behind her ears, before immediately putting them back. She squinted through the lens of her glasses, the humidity fogging them up. She removed them and realized there was still crap in her hazel eyes, "You've got to be kidding me."
Soon another student ran under the same awning for cover, Saihana didn't recognize him. She kind of thought he was cute, the big nerdy glasses, the thick mop of black hair on his head. He didn't seem to notice her, although, that was common. Hopefully he hasn't heard anything about her yet.
And then a third student ran up, did this certain spot have a vacuum for second years or what? Saihana had recognized her, Ann Takamaki, another girl of rumor. Saihana figured this would be a great chance to strike up conversation and possibly a friendship had the boy not been there. Saihana just looked in the other direction, spotting a car headed their way.
She recognized that car. She looked down and held her arms, "Hey Takamaki, want a ride?" That voice, so laced with sugar it was sickening. Takamaki accepted, but Saihana could see the blonde's face, she didn't want to. "You want one too?"
"I'd rather die." Saihana mumbled under the boys declination. The car drove away, and the sound of an engine was replaced with footsteps, and yelling.
The "Track traitor", Ryuji Sakamoto, ran up gasping for breath,"Screw that pervy teacher."
"Pervy teacher?" The other boy mumbled, his phone made a noise.
"Yeah, Mr. Kamoshida. Sakamoto hates him, as do I." The two boys turned to her, causing her to fidget a bit.
"Shut it Kaiken, nobody asked you." Saihana grunted and turned away from them, "And how could you not have heard of him? You're from Shujin right?"
"Are you?"
"Uh, we're wearin the same uniform."
"He's obviously the supposed transfer student. God Sakamoto, you can be really stupid sometimes."
"Shut it!" Saihana made a face at him and walked past him.
"You could've just said you didn't want me around y'know." The rain had let up somewhat. Saihana started walking through the shortcut, grumbling over Sakamoto's vulgarity. She entered the school and went up to her classroom.
She patted her uniform, worn properly, dry and sat at her desk. She looked at it, and as usual, there was a new word. It was actually a word she had seen many times written on her desk, "Die." She had gotten used to this happening, she licked her thumb and began to rub the word, but it wouldn't even smudge. "God damn permanent markers."
"Here." She turned to her right, it was her good friend Aki. He had a wipe in hand, he always did. Saihana thanked him and began to wipe the marker from off of her desk. She knew it was useless, it would be new after lunch.
Aki, although identifying as a boy, wore the girls uniform, per his parents' demands. But he always wore a giant gray shirt under his blazer to hide the skirt. His glasses were always slipping off of his face, and his chestnut hair always messily flopped over to one side.