Trust No One

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They say you should only trust a few in your life with your personal info and what not , but I don't agree with that all the time , see here's the thing , let's say you met a new friend , you guys started hanging out gradually more and more everyday , you exchanged numbers , you went out for movies and had parties etc. You thought it could be the right time to share info , you guys share what you have and your bond gets stronger . One night you have an argument , things didn't go as you wanted to , and you've both gotten stubborn. It won't just be a broken friendship anymore , oh it's way more than that. See that person now has all your personal details regarding your life , he/she would do either of the following , sell you out , and expose everything the person knows about you , or if the person is good-hearted ( rarely ) then he/she will keep your secrets and end your friendship peacefully.

What I'm trying to get to here is that it's hard to trust anyone nowadays , you would need at least a year to get to know someone really well , and then god knows if later on in the future they'd back stab u or not. Life isn't so rosy anymore , people are demanding , and wanting , more than giving , they're judging by looks or by speculations and rumours .

This is harder for girls then it is for boys , girls find the need to share , it's what we do , we pick a good friend to share things with and to get advice from , but that's why us girls are more screwed up , we trust way too much.

If you have close ties with your mom , share it with her ! If you have close ties with your sister or female cousin then share things with them !

Because family doesn't sell you out like that , your reputation won't get spoiled at least.

I found this helpful , write what you want on a piece of paper , then throw it out. For guys , things are a bit simpler unless your life is messed up a lot. And most guys don't waste their precious time in selling out others using personal info.

So trust no one blindfolded except blood .

Just like the saying goes " The Devil Was Once An Angel " ...

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