Multiple lacerations to left part of the Brain
She's running wild as the wind
Becoming in the instant insane
She's committed every sin
Winning the race against time
But all of a sudden death comes knocking at her door
She doesn't know what to do
Be he takes her by the throat and smashes her face against the window shield
She's becoming numb to it all
All these powerful words flying into the abyss
She becomes overwhelmed with the lies
She just wanted to be heard but instead he tied her tongue and shot her words
She denied the hatred between the two she hid behind all the smoke and mirrors
She seemed to like the fight against love
She wanted to balance her entire exist on a string
But all she could do was walk behind this man this insane man that had cut her open and fucked her in front of the whole world
And here she was naked and all the cuts and bruises out and about the streets. The blood was thin enough to seep through the cracks in the streets and then she had forgotten it all.