In Bed

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Belle frowned.  She can't move. Her body hurts badly and she has a piercing headache. Her head feels like a block and she just wants to cut it off.  She's freezing and has curled up in her her sheets like a sardine but nothing is making her better. Her phone rung, but she can't move to answer it, so she just waited until it stopped so she can sleep again.

She is staying at her condo, not at her parent's house. She seldom comes there only when they got visitors and her mom would feel lonely. She remembered what happened between her and Matt. He is disgusted with her work is which she also thinks really low but still...he doesn't have to say it like she's selling herself in front of all those people. And she was already planning on resigning maybe after a year an get a new job. She smart and did finish college.

She sneezed and curled tighter as something cold blew at her body. She shivered and closed her eyes drifting into a  nightmare.


Matt knocked in front of the office after being instructed to do so. He heard a silent come in and strode inside seating himself at the huge white sofa facing Jack.

"Oh, it's you." he said. "Uh...what can I do for you? Or do you want to introduce yourself? I'm Jack."

He nodded. "I'm Matt and I'm hear to ask where is Belle. I want to talk to her."

"Who are you to her?" he asked cautiously.

"I'm her..." he grinned at him. "Boyfriend,"

Jack stared at him then nodded. "Oh! You're name is Matt, right?" Matt nodded. "So it's you who she was always been depressed off."

"Excuse me, what?" Matt asked not believing what he said.

He shrugged. "You know, when you broke up before, she was like a robot. Doing things she just needed to do for the money so her mom would be well."

"What happened to her mom?" Matt asked, confused.

"Her mom almost died on a car accident with her stepfather and her father, you know, dad can't afford to pay the fees so she have to work and that where the modeling comes in." he explained. "You got back together, right?"

"Uh...not really."

"Well, you should. She was so depressed when you broke up. She can't even eat at all." he shook his head. "I don't want to see her like that again. Go to her house."

"Where is it?"

Jack gave him the address and Matt went off. It was just a small house without even a gate or any guards. How can a celebrity leave like that? Stalkers must have followed her here. He knocked but no one answered. He knocked again. Maybe she's out. "Belle?" he called a little too loudly.

No one answered and he shook his head. She's not here and just then, his phone rung. "Nathan?"

"Oh, glad you answered fast." Nathan said, his voice worried.


"Belle called sick." he stated. "She's in her house. Wait, are you there?"

"Yeah, I am. She's here? No one is answering." Matt said circling the house and back at the main door.

"She'll probably be sleeping. Her rooms on the second floor so it's hard to hear and she doesn't have doorbells as you can see." Nathan said.

Matt rolled his eyes. "How did you know about this?"

"I'm her stalker, duh!" he laughed. "Jack told me. He said Belle called like twenty minutes after you left to tell him she's sick but insisted she's alright."

Matt looked around and spotted a drawing on the wall. He looked closely at it and saw earphones. He smiled and then looked at it more closely. Well, that probably reminds Belle of him. He knelt down and sat at the porch. "I don't have a key and I can't barge in the window. I'm too big. I can't tear the door down, it's too large and thick wood."

"Maybe the key is under the rug where it says welcome," Nathan suggested.

He rolled his eyes and glanced at the rug beside him. "Who's dumb enough to do that?" he raised it and faced a small key. "Oh."

"What's with the oh?"

"It's here." he stated staring at it as if it'll disappear every minute now.

Nathan laughed. "Oh my God, Belle. She didn't."

"Yeah, she did." Matt said and grabbed the key. He stood up and placed it on the doorknob. "Now let's see if it's fake." he turned it and there was a click then he pushed the door open and it opened. "Whoa, it opened. Idiot Belle,"

"Not really idiot. I mean, who would think that someone is placing a key under the rug nowadays, huh?" Nathan said. "You smart dude didn't even think about and thought it was stupid. Only resourceful people like us thinks like that. But still...I didn't expect the key to be there. I mean, she's a celebrity duh! I bet she has lots of bodyguards and gates and locks."

"No bodyguard anywhere and certainly I didn't pass by any gates." Matt said. "I'm hanging up. I'll update you soon."

Before he end the call, he heard him say "Don't rape her, Matt." He rolled his eyes and scan the clean room. Nothing unusual except for the constant dullness around. Full of black and white things and no other color around.

He went upstairs and guessed the big white door is her room. He knocked but no one answered. He opened it and peeked inside. He saw Belle curled on the bed, shivering. Matt ran toward her and touched her in the forehead. He frowned and cursed. "What the hell have you been doing?"

She looked up at him with eyes half-closed. "Matt? Is that you?"

"Yeah, your savior."

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