Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

The moment I realized Noah isn't the author of my letters, I rushed out of my room and downstairs. I sit down on the steps, almost missing the step and sliding down the last few on my butt, and throw my shoes on, tying them about as fast as I can.

"Reagan?" My mom calls from the kitchen. I see her appear by the front door where I'm throwing my shoes on with a dish rag in hand. "Where are you off to in such a rush?"

"Noah didn't write the letters," I breathe out quickly.

Her eyes widen. "He didn't?"


"Who did?"

"I don't know," I say, standing from the steps.


"I hope," I breathe as I open the front door.

"Well where are you going?"

"To confront Noah," I say as the door closes behind me.

Within minutes I'm knocking on Noah's front door. I stand in the middle of his massive front porch as the pristine columns intimidate me with the knowledge of his family's clear wealth.

He opens up the door and I see his eyes widen as he sees me standing there. "Reagan! I wasn't expecting you, sweetheart."

I stare back at him without saying a word.

I can't believe I fell for his lie.

"I heard about what happened with your parents and that you spent the night at Chloe's, she texted me. I'm sorry that happened," he frowns.

I continue to stare at him, not saying a word and he gulps, and his response comes out shaky.

"Is everything okay, Reagan?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Do wha-"

I hold my hand up, "Don't. Don't play dumb."

He stops mid sentence and I see the fear in his eyes as he tries to keep up his facade, but it falls under my fierce gaze.

"Come inside, I'll explain," he sighs, dropping his head in defeat.

I step inside and rigidly follow him towards the couch. Our footsteps echo through the house, the only other noise being the music blasting from his brothers room somewhere upstairs where he's probably laying on his waterbed.

I came over here seething with anger, but now I just want to hear Noah out. I don't know why someone like him would do this.

"How'd you find out?" He asks, avoiding eye contact as we sit down.

"Your letter was different," I say shortly.

He nods and fiddles with his fingers nervously. "I had a crush on you," he starts. "I liked you for a long time, Reagan. I found out about the letters and I figured it was a good way to get you to fall for me."

"Why didn't you try without the letters?" I ask.

He laughs and shakes his head, "I did. I flirted with you every day, but it went right over your head. It was obvious to me that you liked Hayden."

My heart jumps in my throat at the mention of him, and Noah notices. He looks up and his eyes take on an entirely different solemn look- one mixed with jealousy.

"I figured that if I said the letters were from me, maybe you would end up liking me." He sighs deeply and finally looks at me. "Even that didn't work. You still have feelings for him."

I try to look away but his stare holds me in and I know he sees the truth behind my eyes. The fact that I do have feelings for Hayden- the fact that I love Hayden and not him.

"You weren't at Chloe's last night, were you?" He asks quietly.

Guilt eats at my stomach and I slowly shake my head. "I'm sorry."

He frowns, "I should have known."

I avert my gaze to the floor and I hear him sigh heavily. "I can't be mad, not after what I did. I shouldn't have lied."

I stay quiet and he continues.

"I don't know why I did it, it's clear to me you can't get your mind off of him."

I speak up, "If you didn't write the letters, do you at least know who did?"

He shakes his head, "I don't know, but I have an idea of who it is and I think you do too."

I don't answer.

"I'm sorry Reagan, I really do care about you. I just didn't know how else to get you," he admits.

I glance at him and let out a slow sigh. "I know, Noah."

I can't be mad at him. He didn't lie about the way he feels about me, he really does care. He just went about it all wrong when he saw that I was falling for someone else. And, if anything, it was a relief to know that Noah isn't the one writing my letters.

It gives me hope that it really is Hayden.

I stand from the couch and start towards the door, and Noah follows after me. Neither of us say anything until we reach the door.

"I assume we aren't going to prom together anymore?" He asks lightheartedly.

I chuckle lightly and shake my head, "I guess not."

He frowns and I see the heartbreak in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Reagan."

I lean forward and give him a short hug, "I know. I'll see you around, Noah."

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