{1} Ben ?

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Johns P.O.V

RING RING RI- I cut it off it was mom, sometimes I feel bad about not talking but I don't want to talk to anyone when I'm like this especially not my own mother she would be devastated that I'm taking drugs and drinking every second that I can . I can't remember the last time that I left my apartment I have millions of texts from my manager Jeff, mom, Ben, dad but still none from Katy she's the only person I want to talk to right now I miss her so much , I know I fucked up big time the day after it happened but I was drunk and and and I didn't mean too.

" I need to stop I NEED TO STOP !" I keep saying in my mind
DING ...

Katy's P.O.V

" Right Ok bye guys " I said leaving the studio , I was walking to the car when my phone started to go off so I answered it .

B: Hey is this em eh em K-K-Katy ,
K: It is ... wait is that you Ben, Johns brother ?
B: Yes , anyway the reason I'm calling is ... have you heard from John ... recently ?
K: No we brok-
B: I know that but that's why I'm calling , we haven't heard from him since then and we are just worried , because he hasn't answered any of our calls or texts
K: Oh no ... do you think he is Ok ?
B: No so um I was wondering if maybe em if you could em um eh ... text him ?
K: Em I don't know it's ju-
K: Ok I will but what do you want me to say ?
B: I don't know just ask if he is ok maybe he will answer you
K: Ok I will ... Bye

I got into my car and just sat there listen to the radio thinking about if he's ok or not , suddenly I felt tears welling up in my eyes ,
" I don't miss him I-I-I  don- ... I do miss him "
I said so quietly that I could nearly hear myself. I wiped my tears and started to drive home remembering  that I had to feed Nugget . I unlocked the door and walked in seconds after I opened it Nugget come running towards me.
" Hi Nuggy , hello baby ," I said in a baby voice .

I went and ordered Taco Bell because I can't cook or boil water soo yeah . When I was done I decided it was time to text ... John .

Hope you guys are liking the story this is my first fanfic so it won't be the best 👍🏻

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