Episode 1 - Family Business

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(Year: 2037)
(a young lady with a long dark hair sitting in front of a grave)
(she was so quiet and just looking at the tombstone)
(it read: here lies James Howlett also known as Logan and the Wolverine. 1887 - 2017)
(the young lady was so sad but quiet)
(she placed a flower on the tombstone)
Girl: rest in peace... Dad
(suddenly it was cloudy and windy)
(she looked up to the sky as dark clouds were gathering)
Girl: I thought Ororo asked you not to overuse your powers...
(then someone was standing behind her)
(she turned to him)
(it was a handsome Hispanic young man wearing a chain)
Girl: you have a temper, you know
Boy: I was trying to impress you
(she turned back to the tombstone)
Boy: you skipped today's class...
(she stood up)
Boy: Munroe sent me to find you...
(she turned to him)
Girl: no she didn't... It was you
(then she walked away)
(the boy kept staring at the tombstone then he followed the young girl)
Boy: hey...
(then a woman with a short white hair appeared)
White-haired woman: Laura...
(the young lady's name was Laura)
(Laura turned to her)
(Laura looked down then she headed to the woman while her head was down)
(Laura and the boy came to the white-haired lady)
White-haired woman: thank you, Jacob
(Laura was looking to the ground and Jacob was staring at her)
White-haired woman: Jacob?
Jacob: yes?
White-haired woman: thank you....
Jacob: OK...
(then he left)
(after he left, White-haired woman folded her arms)
(Laura was still looking to the ground)
(she then looked behind Laura at the graveyard area)
White-haired woman: I was worried when I didn't find you today..
(Laura smirked)
Laura: I always skip classes
White-haired woman: this is a good confession... It's a step to not doing it again...
Laura (impatient): Ororo, I skipped my classes today and you caught me.... Must we have this conversation now?
(Ororo was serious)
Ororo: see I don't have problems with you being rude to me....
(Laura rolled her eyes and looked away)
Ororo: my problem with you is that you run off every now and then....and you cause trouble back at the shelter....
(Laura took a deep breath)
(Ororo softened a bit)
Ororo: Laura...for 18 years I've been telling you the same thing... We are not your enemies.... We care about you...
Laura: and for 18 years I've been asking you the same thing, can you bring my father back just like you did to me when I was 10?
(Ororo took a long breath and remained quiet)
Laura: you wouldn't even tell me how you did it...
(then she walked away)
(Ororo received a call)
Ororo: yes... What?
(Ororo was panicked)
(Laura stopped walking)
Ororo: I'm on my way...
(Laura turned)
Ororo: the shelter is under attack.... We have to go...
(while heading to the car)
Ororo: Rachel wasn't at the shelter when it happened...
(she got in with Laura)
Ororo: they must have known about her not being at home at that time.
Laura: I hope they are they still there
(she turned coldly to her)
(then she looked in front)

(Ororo and Laura came out of the car but the place looked destroyed)
(they both hurried inside)

(Younger kids were inside and under the broken walls of the place)
(Jacob got up and looked at them)
Jacob: they took Selina.
(Laura looked at one of the guys who was under the walls as well)
(he hardly got up then she looked away)
(he looked at her then he walked away)

(Ororo stood in a shock)
Ororo (shocked) : it happened because I wasn't here...
Laura: you shouldn't have left then...
(Ororo turned to Laura angrily)
Ororo: you are the reason why I left
(Laura was cold)
Ororo: I was worried about you... Selina was worried about you
Laura: every time you worry and nothing happens...
(Ororo frowned in a shock)
Laura: may be it's time for you to focus on something else other than me...
(then she turned to leave)
Jacob (angry) : my sister is taken because of you...
(Laura stopped)
Jacob: and all how you act about it is being cold & rude...
(Laura moved her head)
Jacob: if it wasn't for...
(suddenly Laura attacked Jacob nailing him from his clothes on the wall using her claws)
(she had the anger and the eyes of the wolf)
(she came near his face)
Laura: I can lift off your face but it will be ugly in front of the kids...
(he was scared)
Laura: Do Not.... Address me.... In such a way... I'm very.... Very...... Impatient
(then she let him fall)
(she turned coldly to them)
(another red haired lady entered)
(all the children and the young people called her: Misses Summers)
(everyone in the room acted with respect)
Ororo: Rachel
(Laura turned to her)
(Rachel focused only on Laura)
Rachel: there is a rule that forbids using your power against your friends...
(Laura was quiet)
Laura: I'll bring Selina back ...
Rachel: Selina is not your only responsibility....it's ours too....
(Laura was angry)
(she took steps towards Ororo and Rachel)
Laura: then do what you want... I won't be part of this...
(she looked at Ororo)
Laura: it was planned all along....
(everyone started at her)
Laura: Conner wants to push harder so we can surrender...
(she paused)
Laura: they picked Selina .... The weakest of us all.... (Laura looked at Ororo)
Laura: Selina is a victim of neglect
(Ororo was angry)
(Laura turned to Rachel)
Laura: and ignorance
(she looked at them all)
Laura: if you only taught her how to use her powers properly, may be she would have defended herself....
(Laura stared back at Rachel)
Laura: but you choose to suppress her powers... That's what the school is for... Isn't it?
Rachel: then what's holding you?
(Rachel pointed at the door)
Rachel: it's open.... But..... do what you want... No one will be part of this...
(Rachel smirked)
(she stared then she left)
(Ororo turned to Rachel)
Ororo: what if we lost her?
Rachel (confidently): She is the daughter of Logan alright, she will come around
Jacob: what about Selina?
(they stared at him)

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