We're doing WHAT!? P2

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The next day I was released from the hospital wing. I was still very annoyed about having to spend a whole 2 weeks directly with Draco and his family. I have been on this school long enough to decipher Malfoys personality and it's not, nice. 'How on earth did this even happen?' I thought to myself. You had transfiguration class so you decided to head there.

When I got to class i took a seat next to Hermione. I was still in a bad mood so I leant my head on my hand and probably had quite a sour look on my face. "Are you alright y/n?" She asked

"Not really" you sigh, "I just got a letter from my father saying I'm spending Christmas with the Malfoys"

"Oh" she replied in equal dissatisfaction "I thought you were friends"

"Barely, we used to be but lately he's been getting on my nerves and we barely talk". I would've ranted all lesson if Hermione was the type for a good chat during lessons, but she certainly was not!

[~Time skip to the end of the week~]

A week had passed since then which meant only one week until Christmas torture with the Malfoys. I had received a letter back from my mother  informing me that I'll have to go even if i don't like Draco. She also said that it could be a good bonding experience since the manor is small. Slytherin manor is massive, it's just not as big as our home so they call it 'small'. But even if it was actually small I don't think it would be a 'good bonding experience' it would likely be the opposite. She also said for the last week we'll be in somewhere much smaller. She added 'personally I don't think there will be enough space but your father said it will be fine'. This, obviously, worried me further.

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