Chapter 11 - While We Waited

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An unconscious Jared sat in a chair tied up as I sat with Stella watching him. Stella tended to my minor wounds, while my mind began to wander. What would happen when Jared wakes up? Would he be furious with me? I mean probably. I felt a tad bit bad at the damage I left on him, but when it's down to thinking about either beat him up or let him hurt Stella, I knew I could not go with the second option. What kind of man would I be if I allowed someone I cared about get hurt. I may be human. An imperfect specimen of life, but I make my own decisions and I can choose who I want to be and what I become.
          I looked over at Stella. I hoped that she didn't think of me as a monster for how I reacted. It was in my human nature to do what I did and protecting her meant everything. I could only hope she could forgive me for displaying such aggression and anger in front of her. I decided now was the best time to break that tension.
          "Stella," I said meekly. She looked up at me seeming a bit startled. "I apologize if I scared you. I never meant it to get that far. I just wanted to make sure you were safe."
        "I understand," she snapped. "I mean I don't understand as to why you went so far, but I understand that you think I am incapable of protecting myself as a female being the inferior of the species."
           "No it's not like that at all," I retorted. "In fact, I believe you are more superior due to your femininity."
         "Is this some kind of joke to you? Do you just enjoy me do be there to use as nothing more than an object labeled female? Or that I am owned by you?"
         "Please hear me out. I was only protecting you because I have feelings for you..."
          "Feelings of pity I suppose?"
          "Listen Stella, please do not answer until I have said everything I need to tell you," I looked at her pleading for her to allow me to explain myself. She moved her hand gesturing for me to continue. Her movements conflicted and contradicted each other. Her body movement suggested go ahead while her eyes shot like daggers cutting me deep in my soul. By the look on her face, I predetermined that she had established in her mind that I was guilty and nothing could change her mind. "I may have acted irrationally...well not may...I know I acted irrationally. I stepped out of line and scared you in the process, but I promise I will be better because the reason I did what I did was because people do crazy things when they are in love. By that I mean well, I might as well come out with it...I love you Stella."
        "You shouldn't...we hardly know each other and I am not worth you wasting your time. You'd be better off pursuing another who can be all you want and need," she sighed. I couldn't believe my ears. Was she interested in another? I mean it's possible she could have loved another before she met me, but if she didn't is she just scared of being in love? I wasn't sure, but I had to at least let her know I was there for her and that I will love her no matter what happens between us.
         "Look Stella...I never chose to love you. My spirit did. It bonded to you the moment it met you. It may not make sense, but nothing does right now. I was a complete science nerd and you came and made me see that there is a heaven and a hell. My whole life I truly have been living in hell and purgatory. My consistent life has been a purgatory and they way I was treated made me live in true pain and agony or a real living hell. The past couple days with you though... they have been the best days of my life. Now I truly know what it means to be in heaven...and I wouldn't have it any other way...I love you." It was the most beautiful thing I believe had ever come out of my mouth her face read as if she were going to cry from joy I had given her. That when it hit me. Her words betrayed her looks.
        "I am sorry but we can be nothing more than this," her words escaped her lips. They drove into my chest like daggers. So this is what that pain feels like. My heart was truly broken...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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