Chapter 2

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Kale woke up seeing his parents were not there to greet him. He wondered why.

The next morning at 2:00 am, he heard a clunking noise. A-
Washing machine?!
Why would it be on so late! Ever since Kale met Sally, strange things started to happen.

He ran downstairs knowing the basement is where the strange events happen.

"What the HECK are you doing in a washing machine,Sally!?" Yowled Kale. Sally only laughed. Kale started to laugh,too. "Burrrush me! Burrrush me!" Sally said in a loooowwwww voice.
Batteries and brushing? What the heck, man!

After all that crap, "Lets play a game!" Sally called. He walked around the basement hoping he could find something to play with. A vase? Of corse! Kale rolled and rolled the vase around then it fell, making the lights go out. Sally looked scared,"Its dark!" She said.


Kale grabbed it then shook it. He walked out of the short place.
Red eyes...
The lights came back on then. He rapped tattletail back up and went to bed,wondering
What monster had I unleashed?!

TATTLETAIL-Your nightmare just begunWhere stories live. Discover now