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Chapter One.

Kilten looked over at the television shop where several people were watching the newest song by the famous idol named Poppie Price. It was a stage name, nobody knew what her real name was, she wore long wigs, a different style everyday she never particularly stuck to one, well actually she never did. She'd come out with the most unusual styles, even wearing an armour dress to a red carpet one time, she'd won several awards for best singer, best song writer, writing songs not only for her but several other famous artists, including Hunta Goh, Drinn Goslings and Firie O.K . She never had a song that wasn't catchy or wasn't in the top three after the songs release.
Kilten watched her on the television screen in amazement. She was mostly known for her big brown deep set eyes which sparkled as thousands of phones flashed at the concert she was performing at in the Samsung television screen. Kilten's eyes light up not just from the light from the television reflecting onto her iris' but seeing how beautiful the idol was, rumours spread in magazines that she got a nose job recently but Kilten didn't care for that, either way she loved the person on the inside and her music not her beauty.

All of a sudden a sound hit Kilten's double pierced right ear "Move out of the way!" A voice shouted from a crowd of people crossing the zebra crossing in the centre of the city, Lastertien. Kilten turned to see what the chaos was out of curiosity, struggling to remove her eyes off Poppie Price. Before she could fully turn to face the other way she was blasted to the ground walloping her head of the cold stone ground.

Kilten opened her sky blue eyes, things still slightly blurry and she couldn't seem to quite focus on what was happening around her, only to her surprise to see a blurry figure in front of her. Their head was in the way of the bright blue sky. A deep husky voice, came from the figure "Are you alright miss ?" Kilten came back slowly to reality to see a dark tanned skinned boy on top of her, freckled with dark brown hair with a fringe that fell slightly over his breath taking eyes with hints of blonde highlights at the ends of his hair. His nose was skinny but had a curved arch.

Kilten laid puzzled for a moment, wondering what had just happened, her eyes noticed a crowd of people circling her and the teenaged boy who looked to be roughly the same age as her. "Yeah I'm fine, who are yo..." Kilten felt a massage of something on her breast. She quickly looked down to what she thought it was. The boy's hand was firmly on her breast, giving another quick squeeze.

Kilten felt her face turn as bright red, her yes widened staring at the boys hand as if lazes from her eyes would burn it off. Full to the top with embarrassment she pushed the boy are far as she could, without a seconds thought, wishing she could kick his balls or even better break his hand. The boy toppled over into the crowd "Wow you've got a strong push there." The handsome teenager said over to Kilten rubbing the back of his head in pain slightly from the push. Kilten covered her breasts, making sure it was clear to everyone in the crowd what he did to her, making sure he got his public shame and it was just as equal if not more than hers. Kilten scoffed in disgust. Scrunching up her nose.

"And you've got a strong grip."
The boy mouth opened slightly not expecting that comeback, leaving him to think of a better one, but instead he smirked making Kilten frown her eyebrows thinking really to herself "What the fuck is up with this guy?". The boy stood up, reaching a height of 6'2" walking over to Kilten making her flinch slightly as he reached out his hand making the most charming smile he could falsely put on as if he cared for this girl. Kilten's face went blanker than a white page.

"I rather die than rather know what other breasts you've been touching with that hand."

The boy keeping himself calm as possible struggled to keep his fake smile. His face looking sickly.

     "Well aren't you the honest type?"

He tried to brush off being called a pervert in front of a crowd. Kilten stood up brushing down her school skirt, making the boy realise something.
"Oh that skirt!" Kilten glared at the boy "Yeah and?" The boy smiled brightly, making his eyes smile too as he announced- "Lovely to meet you stranger my names Wenley, you don't know me yet but I'm a new transfer student from our school.

Wenley threw out his arm grabbing Kilten's hand with his pulling her in quickly so nobody would hear his whisper into her ear.

"Go along with it and the public act will be over missy, we won't have to talk ever again" his husky voice had a sly and sneaky time to it as Kilten listened to his request which she found most favourable as she just wanted to go back to watching Poppie Price. A fake smile grew on her face too.

"Nice to meet you wanna go to a caféeee?" Kilten dragged on, probably being the worst actress in the city with her quirky smile on her face, making it look as if she needed to go number two really bad.
•Wenley turned Kilten quickly throwing his arm over Kilten making her question was it a good idea to go along with the perv's idea, making her go nervous he may have been a pervert but he sure was a nice looking one.•
• They both walked down the grey cobblestone foot path making a quick turn around the shop with the televisions in it both hiding behind the wall.•
• "Of thank fuck that's over." Wenley said. "How do you think felt after you groped me?" Kilten replied in a slightly sarcastic tone. "Oh the little butterfly is comb out of her cocoon, well how could I resist they're not a bad size, not big but hey some guy's like small boobs so I hear easier to grab, but I'm a man who likes them small myself who wants to be doing a workout will they have sex? You know what I mean?" Kilten stood paused thinking how stupid could this guy truly be? First he touched her "small boobs" and next says why he likes them. By far Kilten knew this guy was a pervert something stuck up little her wanted nothing to do with, being the clever little girl, knowing so what if he's a good looking guy doesn't mean he's good on the inside and this first impression was going no where where Kilten wanted it to, in fact she wished it never happened. "Alright before I leave you, I'm Wenley, just why were you running in the first place?" Wenley's face hit hell quicker than he hit heaven touching Kilten's boob. Kilten stood a little shocked by his look. He blurted out bluntly- "Doesn't concern you you best just be on your way to wherever you were going." Kilten stood still as the wind brushed autumn leaves on the path behind her. Who is this Wenley guy?•

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