Chapter 1: Not Alone

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Sam walks down the lonely street of Garber, Oklahoma. Not lonely as in empty, but that he feels completely alone. He stops walking to take in the town. It was a smaller town, so it was fairly clean. The people seemed friendly enough too. As he's looking around he spots a help wanted sign on the door of a bar.

"Why not". He mumbles to himself as he pushes the door open.

Half an hour later he walks out of the office. The words "you're hired" circulating in his head.

"See you tomorrow!" A blonde girl waves at him from behind the bar. "My name is Lindsay by the way." She smiles sweetly.

Sam waves back and says "I'm Keith, I guess I will see you tomorrow then" He turns toward the door and leaves quickly.

This is what I wanted. He thinks to himself. He looks around and realizes he has nowhere else to go. He picks up his phone and scrolls down to Dean in his contacts. His figer hovers over the call button. Instead he closes his phone and grudgingly walks back to his motel.

Dean sits alone at the table in his lonely motel room with most of a beer already gone. A tear threatening to escape, he quickly wipes his eyes, and takes a final pull from his beer.


"Are you crying dean?" Cas asks, worry in his eyes.

Ignoring Cas' question Dean practically shouts. "Cas! What are you doing here? I've told you I'm human, which means sometimes I need time to do human things. Like eat or sleep!"

Cas pauses for a moment, "We need to talk about the archangel rafael... I've got a lead." He moves like he's about to leave.

"Cas wait." Dean starts. He's not sure exactly what it is he's trying to say. He pauses for a long time deciding he knows exactly what he wants to say. "Sit with me and have a beer." he says instead.

"Dean, you know I cant get drunk." Cas says awkwardly.

Dean chuckles softly. "I know that. Then w... will you just sit with me?" He looks up from his empty beer through his eyelashes to see Cas' reaction only to find Cas staring at him. They both quickly look away.

Cas slightly blushing walks over to the mini fridge, grabs a beer and sits at the empty seat across from Dean. He gently slides the beer over to Dean who opens it and takes a quick swig.

Cas looks down at his empty hands and fidgets in his seat. He looks up to see Dean staring at his bottle like he wished he could drown in it. "Do you want to talk?" He asks not quite sure what else to say.

Dean looks up at Cas. "I know that we have good reason for going our own ways, but me and Sam haven't really been apart since he went off to college. I guess I just miss him. I don't know if i will be able to do it alone." He pauses for a second to collect himself. "Besides, who's going to do all the research now?" He says in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Cas reaches over to Dean hesitating for just a second and puts his hand on Deans arm. "Sam is going to be alright. And you won't be alone..." Cas trails off. He wanted to badly to tell Dean the truth, but now was definitely not the time.

Dean tilts his head to the side."What do you mean?" He asks, slightly confused.

Cas turns pink and freezes "I..." He starts. "Well I mean..." He tries again, but he's not sure what to say.


Dean jumps up almost knocking over the table and spilling his beer "Come on Cas you son of a bitch! You can't just leave like that! What do you mean?" He stands there quietly, listening for that gentle whoosh sound indicating Cas came back. "Cas?" He yells hoping Cas can hear him and come back, but he didnt.

Alone again, Dean walks over to the fridge, pulls out another beer and slams the door shut. He looks around the empty room, sees the spilled beer on the table, but ignores it and decides to turns on the TV to skinemax. At least now it's not so quiet. He thinks to himself as he sits down at the end of the one bed in the room. He takes a sip of his beer and zones out, the sound of the TV doing nothing to drown out his thoughts.

He picks up his phone and scrolls down to Sam's name. He states at it for a moment, then changing his mind he scrolls to Cas' name and punches the call button.

"Dean?" Cas' voice on the other line sounds calm

"Cas, I don't know why you left like that, but we need to discuss the Rafeal situation". Dean all business knows this is the best way to keep his mind off of Sam.

There's a pause on Cas' end. He thinks about explaining himself for a moment, but he decides to leave it alone for now. "I will meet you tomorrow and we will go over the plan find Rafael then. For now I will let you be human and... sleep". He didn't mean to sound so impersonal, he just wanted Dean to know that he understood his needs.

"Ok Cas I will see you tomorrow." Dean says a little uneasily.

They hang up the phone and Dean looks at the TV, disgusted by what he sees he turns it off and heads towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Not too long later, Dean crawls into bed, turns out the lights and closes his eyes. For a brief second he thought he heard that familiar sound, he quickly opened his eyes and looks around the room. He could swear he saw something standing in the corner, but just as quickly it was gone.

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