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“It’s a lonely thing, Callie-girl,” Eva repeated. They were in the bar she favored, a mountain of empty oyster shells on the table between them, surrounded by a forest of empty beer bottles. Eva was waxing poetical again, and Callie let her.

“I trust you,” Callie pointed out, adjusting the ice pack on her outstretched knee. “Isn’t that enough?”

“Maybe, maybe not.” Eva emptied the remains of her bottle down her throat, and signaled for more. “Only time will tell. And I may not be around forever, you know.”

“You’ve been around this long.” Callie toasted her, feeling a little on the waxy side herself.

“So I have.” Eva’s eyes turned distant. “This town’s…different. Special. I know you feel the same way about Chicago. But this is something else.”

“How so?”

“The Tuatha aren’t the only ones on humanity’s side. There are others. This city is a convergence of beliefs and dreams, not to mention power. But the other side has more than demons on theirs, and there’s going to come a time when deals are going to be made. And then there’s going to be war.”

“So I gather.” They accepted fresh bottles from the waiter, and ordered more oysters as the jukebox fell silent. “What are you saying?”

“We need to be ready. And we’re going to need allies.”

“We’ll be ready,” Callie said. “What other choice do we have?”

Callie (Keepers of the Flame: Origins #2)Where stories live. Discover now