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The time reads 6:37 p.m. on my phone, and at this point I'm beginning to feel extremely anxious. Ayla is my best friend and I love her, but when is the girl ever on time? I was supposed to meet her at Finn's house at 5:45 to hang out with her while she and Finn practiced for a bit. I should have known that she'd be late, but not THIS late. I wouldn't mind as much if it weren't for the fact that I'm having to awkwardly sit on one side of Finn's game room pretending to be on my phone, while he sits on the other... also, on his phone. Now, I have met Finn a few times but we have barely ever talked, although, I have always wanted to get to know him better.
Just as I send Ayla my seventh pleading text message, I'm startled by a voice. For just a moment, I can't figure out where and who the source is, but then I look up and see Finn looking my way. "I really love your phone case, Twin Peaks is like one of my favorite bands," he repeats.   Stumbling over my words, I answer, "O-oh, thanks. Me too." God why am I so awkward? Just talk to him. Almost as if he heard my thoughts, he goes on to ask me what my favorite song is by them. "Oh... well, I love them all obviously," I say, pointing to my phone case, "but I think my favorite would have to be Disappear." Finn brightens up immediately at this. "Really? Thats my favorite too! I love that song," he says, getting up from his place on the floor to sit right next to me on the couch. Slightly startled by this, I restlessly play with a string on my shirt, hoping he doesn't notice how nervous I am. "What other bands do you like?," he asks, looking at me intently with those eyes; those round, soulful puppy dog ey- Why am I thinking about his eyes? "Well, I love The Beatles, Mac Demar-" "DUDE NO WAY! Those are two of my absolute favorites!," Finn interrupts. I guess he realizes the suddenness of his excitement because he quickly looks down and brushes a hand through his long, curly hair. God he has really nice hair.
"Sorry, its just I didn't expect us to have so much in common. I don't know why we haven't talked before," he says, finally looking up at me again. I feel my breath hitch in my chest, but somehow I manage to choke out, "Me either." Finn's earlier phase of self-consciousness seems to have passed as swiftly as it came, for he immediately jumps into another conversation about his favorite songs by Mac Demarco. 
For the next couple hours, Finn and I talk about nothing and everything, my nerves ebbing away with every passing moment. And I begin noticing things about Finn; the freckles perfectly dotted on his nose and cheeks; the warmth in his smile; the way he bites his lower lip when he's contemplating a question; his slightly husky but kind voice; and above all, the connection I feel towards him. Now on the floor, we sit cross-legged, facing each other. Finn's game room, cars passing outside, the hum of a TV upstairs; that all feels a million miles as we talk. He is so beautiful, I dreamily think as he tells me his theories on the extraterrestrial. And before I can stop myself or even know what I'm doing, I find myself leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. Then, I feel his hand softly cup my cheek as he kisses me back with those pillowy, sweet lips of his. After what could have been 3 seconds or an eternity, Finn slowly pulls away, looking at me deeply. And I see stars.

In my memory, that evening never ended. We just stayed there, looking at each other, forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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