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Sorry for the delay, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I put a lot of effort into it! and before any one says anything, I don't want to delay any of the events which happen in the book, I want to get straight into it.

Thank you


Chapter 5

 These past several weeks have breezed by. Life at the Ross’s was exceptionally going well.  Even though i haven't bonded entirely with all 7 boys i was getting there. . So far so good I guess.

After the incident with Xavier, he has been avoiding me ever since. For instance this morning we was at the table for breakfast, and Mary, the cook, decided to take my seat that I usually sat on so that she could help little mason with his food. And of course, the only seat which was available was one right next to Xavier. Let’s just say It was the most awkward 8 minutes and 14 seconds of my life. Urgh. Why did he have this stupid effect on me??? I didn’t even know the dude.

Anyways, moving on I met the eldest Max last week. Yes, he was your typical American teenager. Team captain for the Hollywood riders. Extremely good looking, full of pride, He had all the girls lured around his finger. And without any doubt he was the ‘no strings attached’ type of guy, never did relationships. Only one night stands. But then again who wouldn’t be if they were living the life he was.

 Kyle and Jake were of course the snarly obnoxious ones. Yes, they were both hot. But damn so irritating at times! The twins, Luke and Lucas were so sweet, always welcoming me and inviting me whenever they went out.

 It was a Sunday evening, and as you may know the summer break was coming to an end and of course I was starting my senior year at ‘Kingsley high’. Surprisingly, the boys didn’t attend a private school like I imagined. They studied at a regular high school. I was dreading tomorrow; the previous school I went to was a small school, probably smaller than the size of this house. You see it wasn’t your typical high school, it was a small school based in the suburbs of texas with less than 150 students. I never imagined how a normal high school would be like, after all the only vision of your ‘typical’ high school I had encountered was watching mean girls and other American chick flicks. I was sitting on the side sofa in the huge living room, minding my own business like always. I was glued to my book ‘One by one’ – Chris Carter until I felt a sharp object hit my nose.

URGHHHH” I screamed, annoyed as hell, I knew who it was.

Kyle, the delinquent .These past couple of weeks, him and Jake have really been testing my patience.

 “Hey Xena give me the pout, come on, don’t be shy, By the looks of your facebook profile picture your look like one hell of a confident girl”  he called in a girly voice”

Ofcourse his obnoxious twat of a brother Jake, laughed along. Both having a fit of laughter.

yeah yeah whatever…..” I say to him, sticking up my middle finger at him. What a jerk! Who does he think he is?

Stupid excuse of human beings.

I really shouldn’t let them get to me, but then again me being me, I did. I stormed out the living room, with my book in my hand. I didn’t even know which way I was going, I kept on going on going, tears streaming down my face.

I sighed. Maybe this wasn’t how I expected things

"Xena wait”

I fastened my pace and quickly wiped the tears of my face with my sweater. I hated crying, but me being me the smallest of things got to me. I let my insecurities creepy up on me.A firm hand grasped my left shoulder. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

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