Chapter 11

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I was sitting in Elise's and Tyler's hotel room on one of the couches. Tyler was off getting some food so it was only Elise and me. I told her I wouldn't talk about anything until I was completely sober, so now we were watching Happy Feet. I hadn't paid attention to the movie at all because I was so consumed in my thoughts. I couldn't believe that I had actually said Max was hurting me. Was I crazy? Did I want him to leave me? I was so stupid. I wished I had kept my mouth shut. It also stunned me that it was Elise that I told and not Amy or Lori. What kind of person was I?

I knew the alcohol had already worn off but I needed to figure out a plan. Even after everything Max had done to me I didn't want to lose him. Imagining life without him was like trying to imagine a new color, practically impossible. I was deeply in love with him, but why would he hit me? That question was one I always asked myself. Wasn't I good enough? Did I deserve what he did to me? I tried thinking rationally but it was hard. I was so conflicted.

I waited until the movie finished before actually saying anything. I knew Elise was waiting anxiously and nervously about what I was going to say. I could tell she was worried, and I didn't like that. I didn't want anyone to know. My thoughts wandered back to just before I had gotten drunk. I wanted to burst into tears but choked them down the best that I could. Was it okay what he did? Was he right? I mean, I did love him, and people who were in love had sex. Well, there were many people who waited but we were different. We had already had sex, so was this time okay? Was it actually rape? That word made me cringe. The thought of Max raping me was unbelievable. I wanted to run to the bathroom and throw up. My stomach was not making me feel any better.

I sighed when the movie finally ended and Elise looked over in my direction. I knew I needed to say something, but what? What could I possibly say to make her believe that he wasn't hurting me. I tried thinking about an explanation and when I settled on one I felt content. I knew it would play over well.

"Okay I'll talk." I said, causing her to sigh in relief. "When you asked me if he was hurting me and I said yes, I wasn't thinking straight. I was completely wasted and should have thought before I said something I didn't mean. You see, we had just had sex and the bruises are from that. When I got drunk I didn't realize what you were actually saying. I'm sorry for causing you worry, I didn't mean to." I said, praying she would believe me.

She looked at me for a few moments, trying to figure out if I was lying or not. I tried keeping a serious face. She sighed and looked down at her knees for a few seconds before looking back up at me. "Are you sure?" She asked.

I quickly nodded my head. "Yes. We both get a little violent when we're having that sort of fun, but it's all in good nature." I told her.

She nodded her head and gave me a half smile. "Alright, but if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you."

I smiled back, trying to make it as convincing as possible. "Thank you, Elise. You too."

"No problem. You should probably get back to your room. It's two in the morning." She said and laughed.

I glanced at the clock and quickly stood up. "Holy cow! Thank you again, Elise. I'll see you later." I said before exiting the room.

I rushed back to my room and took the key out of my pocket then opened the door. Max was sitting on one of the beds watching TV, where was everyone else? Max turned his head towards me and got up before walking over to me, anger present in his eyes. "Where were you?" He hissed.

I took a step back. "I was talking to Elise." I told him.

"About what?"

I knew I couldn't tell him. I had to make up some sort of lie. "Nothing really, just about hanging out after this and then we watched a movie." I told him. It wasn't a full lie.

It Runs In the Family (sequel to A Painful Love)Where stories live. Discover now