Biker Boy

372 15 6

Nobody's POV*

Flipping the sign from closed to open, DD walked over to go behind the counter, greeting Matt and Ryan as he passed them.

The day went past as any other, getting few complaints from customers for messing up their orders with too much sugar or too less. DD's shift was almost over, so he started cleaning up the place as the last customer left. He was exhausted, but just as he was wiping tables, a man walked in.

"Can I get a small black coffee?"
"..We close in 3 minutes."
"And how long does it take to make a cup of coffee?"

The man smelled of cigarette fumes and gasoline. He had what looked like a short pompadour, and wore a leathery jacket. But most importantly, he was getting on DD's nerves. DD let out a sigh. "Give me a minute." He turned around to brew the coffee.

"So, what brings a guy like you in here?" DD spat out, trying to lighten the mood.
"Can't a biker just get a cup of coffee?" The man replied, sounding a bit angry.

DD frowned a bit, pouring out the hot coffee into a cup. This guy seemed like any other customer, grumpy and wanting their order. He didn't want to deal with this, so he passed the man his coffee. He immediately took a sip of his drink, it burned his throat and mouth as it went down. He couldn't help but to cough, and DD started to laugh.

"A-are you okay?.." DD said between a few giggles. The man didn't talk, he just nodded, still standing at the counter.

"...You know you can go sit down, right? There are seats here."
"I'd rather just stand here and pretend to talk to you than look lonely at a seat by myself."
"Fair enough."

DD walked over to the open sign, turning it back to closed. The man leaned his arm on the counter, staring at DD. He could nearly feel himself growing a liking towards him, seeing that DD could put up with his bossy self.

"Is everything okay? Is the coffee still hot?"
Snapping out of his daydream, the man quickly responded. "It's fine.."
"I could get you a few ice cubes, if you wanted."
Seeing the guy nod, DD walked back and returned with the ice cubes, putting them in the drink.
"What's your name?"
"Julian, huh? I like that name."

Julian looked down at his drink, trying to hide his flustered face. He didn't want to finish his drink anymore, he just wanted to stay and talk.

"T-thanks," Julian looked at DD's name tag "...DD."
Julian repeated the name in his head, watching DD nod and smile. He took a sip of his coffee, feeling that it was pretty cold and watered down now. DD had his hand leaned against his face, and Julian was looking around the place, looking at the decorations. DD smirked, wanting to strike up Julian's attention. He leaned a hand over the counter and started to feel Julian's leather jacket, which was pretty awkward since they just met.
"I like your jacket." Julian jolted up somewhat, his eyes looking down at DD's hand.
"...Thank you."

DD nodded, moving his hand away from the jacket, looking up at Julian's red face. He assumed he was just hot, seeing that he was in leather during the summer. DD looked at his watch and yawned. It was nearly 12 now, and he had to walk home. He didn't understand why a coffee shop would have that late of a shift, but they did anyway.

"What's wrong?" Julian asked, looking at the grumpy and tired expression on DD's face.
"Nothing.. I just gotta walk home and it's nearly an hour past my shift."

Julian's eyes widened a bit. He didn't realize he stayed there for that long, and that DD had to walk home. Julian felt pretty shitty now for coming in this late.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I'm such an asshole.. I could give you a ride to your place..?"
"It's fine, it's not that far of a walk."
"C'mon.. I insist."

Julian handed DD his cup and DD walked to the back to put it in the sink. He grabbed his keys and took off his apron. Julian dusted off his jacket. They headed out into the starry night, DD locking the door up behind him.

"So, where's your place?"
"You can start heading straight from here, then I'll tell you when to make a left."

Julian nodded, hopping onto his motorcycle. DD climbed onto the back, now getting a stronger smell of Julian.

"You.. might wanna hold on."
"Onto what..?"
"Me, or... something?"

Julian started up the bike and rode off without giving DD a heads up, nearly throwing DD off. He wrapped his arms around Julian tightly, not wanting to fly off. Julian blushed and laughed it off. DD smiled, hearing Julian's laugh made him laugh. They calmed down on the way there, and Julian slowed down as he got to DD's place.

"Hey.. how much was that coffee?"
"Don't worry, it's on the house."
"You sure?"

Julian parked and let DD get down. He looked around at the sky again.

"...That was pretty fun." Julian looked over.
"Yeah.. it was. I'll be coming back tomorrow for another coffee."
"Alright then. I'll see you 'round, biker boy." DD waved to Julian as he drove off. Julian was sure to visit back again.

A/N Thanks Julius-geezer for the title name. 👉😎👉

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