Chapter 1 - The New Promotion.

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(Ok, small change to the story, Jay has met the Faery Rulers, but is being tight-lipped about it.
Just so you know. Sorry about the Change so late in the book, now you have to go all the way back to the start and read all the way to here, what a mission!)

Jay woke with jerk, fear was painted on his pale face.

He rubbed his bald head and lay back down on his mattress.

He then rubbed his eyes and muttered reassuringly to himself, "No one know your secret...
No one knows your secret, just relax.."

He then breathed deeply till his heart slowed and then got dressed and made his ritual coffee in his favorite cup.

He then sat at his kitchen table and slowly savoured the saltly flavour, as he finished a loud knock at the front door filled his flat.

Jay frowned and wondered, "Who's knocking at my door on my day off?
As a trainee, I only get one day off a month."

He sighed and transformed into his Astral Form and floated through the Flat to the front door.
He poked his head through the door and saw his Training Buddy, Tiber holding a medium sized box.

Tiber looked at Jay with glowing pale green eyes and said, "Will you let me in, I don't want to break the thing by transforming it?"

Jay smiled and pulled his head back through the door.
He returned to his human form and opened the door, letting Tiber inside.

Tiber walked into the kitchen and placed the box on the kitchen table, knocking the empty cup towards the floor.

Tiber's hand vanished and reappeared around the cup, catching it before it smashed.
The hand then floated back onto the table and gently placed the cup on the other end of the table.
Tiber's hand then floated back to his arm and fused back together perfectly.

Jay's shocked expression broke as he slowly said with disbelief, "If you had broken that, Auntie V. would be pissed."

Tiber laughed and waved his hand, "It's fine, I caught it didn't I?
So just chillax and stop worrying."

Jay shook his head and then asked with curiosity, "Why are you here Tiber, It's my day off.
High Command aren't calling me in are they?"

Tiber frowned and then asked, "You did get the message, right?"

Jay shrugged and asked in confusion, "What message?"

Tiber rolled his eyes and sighed, he then said with weariness, "Go get your phone, it has some great news on it."

Jay transformed his arm into astral energy and sent it into his bedroom, it picked up his Job Issued Faery-Phone and transformed it into astral energy.
He then pulled the astral energy back to his body and returned it to Matter.
He unlocked his Faery-Phone and saw that the Death Net App had 2 new Notifications.

He opened it and saw that one of the notifications was for a dispute between a Vampire and a Werewolf over a Vandalized Human.

The other Notification was from his Auntie V., about a Gift she bought him.
The Gift was a Promotion to an Official Peace Agent, she had bought him the Job he wanted.
The message also talked about how another Peace Agent would arrive at his apartment with a new Weapon and badge, within the hour.
She ended the message with, "Come see me tonight, for your new Promotion starts tomorrow.
I have arranged a Feast in your honor, don't disappoint me.
You, better than anyone knows what happens to those who disappoint me."

Jay's eyes widened and he looked at Tiber, who was smiling.

Jay then asked with pain, "You were a Peace Agent this whole time?
I though you were my friend?"

The Soul Record of Jay Grimson Book 1: The Return Of The Spirit King (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now