Hey you! Yes you! Read this!. Thanks hun.
Hiya guys. Thanks so much for reading once again. I have a tiny bitsy little request. Please kindly check our my other booksFRENEMY[(anti-you) completed]
and also SECOND HALF.
Don't forget to always comment and hit that tiny beautiful shape called star at the bottom of ya screen.Byee till when we meet again.
Brain:dummy, meet where?
Me: Um, on Wattpad, Durhh.
Brain: Who made you like this?
Me:mtcheww, jamb question. Ask Google .
Readers :dhebbie seriously?
Me:cwiously guys this dude drives me nuts. Wish it had a face I could punch. Aarrgh.
Brain :you wish.
Readers :we outta here.
Me: guys wait, where you going?
Readers : Um, to check out the other books, durhh, bye.
Brain :pls do. Now get out!
Me :that's it! You won't be rude to my friends.
Brain : blahblahbala...
[readers quietly leave].
Death Gift (Abobaku-Dying With The King) #projectnaija#.
SpiritualNO ONE HAS EVER GOTTEN OUT OF THIS ALIVE, WHAT THEN MAKES HER DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS ? When you stand alone..... In the course of your faith...