the fall

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Frisk was sitting in a cold dark cave deep in the woods hiding from some trackers. Today was frisks sixteenth birthday, a reminder of the day she lost her parents. She had been hiding in the wilds for thirteen years just as her parents told her to. It was just her luck to run into some imperial guards patrolling the woods. "Ugh why of of days today" frisk groaned. She felt the last thing she needed on a day she was grieving her parents was this.
     Suddenly a light flew in the cave. "Shit" frisk cursed her luck. It was a locator spell. All of a sudden the light started blinking. "She's in there" a distant yell said. Suddenly twenty guards rushed in the cave. There was no longer anywhere to run. "Get her" one of them ordered. He was clearly the leader, his clothes were adorned with medals and he spoke with an air of superiority. "Come on cant you guys forget i was here and leave me" frisk asked. "Don't speak to me of mercy monster" a lower guard said. "Now that's a bit harsh don't you think"frisk said her right eye suddenly emitting a black mist. Suddenly three guards were hit by a black wave knocking them down. "Shit i still cant do iiit" frisk said falling unconscious. "Quick put her in a light bubble before she can wake up" a human guard said.
      When frisk came to she was in a light bubble in a giant room. "Kill her" a woman siting on a cloud said "throw her in the abyss she will die that way" a lady on a nearby throne said. Wait what who is she talking about frisk thought. Suddenly she realized that they were the imperial queen and they were talking about her. "Help" frisk screamed clawing at the side of the bubble till her fingers were bleeding. It was of no use nothing she could do would put even a scratch on the bubble. "Take her to her execution" the queens said simultaneously. Frisk could only await death as she sat in the bubble. During the journey to her death place she wondered what she ever did wrong. "Why was i born different" she suddenly screamed then broke into tears "wh-why why was i born" she cried through her tears. When they finally came to the abyss she was no longer crying, she had made a resolution. "If i survive i will kill you all" she swore. "Oh you wont survive monster. This here this is the abyss an endless hole no one ever comes back alive from" an angel executioner said. "He's right" said his human partner. Suddenly the bubble started moving towards the middle of the giant chasm. This is the end thought frisk. Suddenly the bubble disappeared and frisk started falling. "See ya never" the human executioner cracked. And with that frisk disappeared from the world she knew.  

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